DSpace stores item view and download events in a Solr "statistics" core for use in its user interfaces, but does not expose this information externally via any APIs. The DSpace 4+ [REST API](https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSDOC5x/REST+API), for example, only exposes information about communities, collections, item metadata, and bitstreams.
This project contains an indexer and a [Falcon-based](https://falcon.readthedocs.io/) web application to make the statistics available via simple REST API. You can read more about the Solr queries used to gather the item view and download statistics on the [DSpace wiki](https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/Solr).
There are example systemd service and timer units in the `contrib` directory. The API service listens on localhost by default so you will need to expose it publicly using a web server like nginx.
- GET `/items`—return views and downloads for all items that Solr knows about¹. Accepts `limit` and `page` query parameters for pagination of results (`limit` must be an integer between 1 and 100, and `page` must be an integer greater than or equal to 0).
- GET `/item/id`—return views and downloads for a single item (`id` must be a positive integer). Returns HTTP 404 if an item id is not found.
¹ We are querying the Solr statistics core, which technically only knows about items that have either views or downloads. If an item is not present here you can assume it has zero views and zero downloads, but not necessarily that it does not exist in the repository.