HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history HISTSIZE=1000 SAVEHIST=1000 setopt append_history # append setopt hist_ignore_all_dups # no duplicate unsetopt hist_ignore_space # ignore space prefixed commands setopt hist_reduce_blanks # trim blanks setopt inc_append_history # add commands as they are typed, don't wait until shell exit setopt share_history # share hist between sessions setopt ignoreeof # don't exit the shell on ^D (EOF) # emacs bindings bindkey -e # make delete key work bindkey "^[[3~" delete-char bindkey "^[3;5~" delete-char # autocomplete autoload -Uz compinit compinit # OS-specific things if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^darwin.*$ ]]; then # set homebrew paths # see: http://brew.sh/ PATH=/opt/brew/sbin:/opt/brew/bin:$PATH MANPATH=/opt/brew/man:$MANPATH # opt out of Homebrew analytics # see: https://github.com/Homebrew/brew/blob/master/share/doc/homebrew/Analytics.md export HOMEBREW_NO_ANALYTICS=1 # pass needs umount and diskutil, which are in /sbin and /usr/sbin PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin # use homebrew's GNU coreutils (prefixed with 'g') # requires at least: coreutils findutils gnu-sed alias du='gdu' alias ls='gls -F --color=auto' alias df='gdf' alias rm='grm' alias cp='gcp' alias mv='gmv' alias mkdir='gmkdir' alias rmdir='grmdir' alias chmod='gchmod' alias chown='gchown' alias ln='gln' alias find='gfind' alias sed='gsed' alias dircolors='gdircolors' alias sort='gsort' alias grep='ggrep' # If BasicTeX installation exists, add it to PATH # See: https://tug.org/mactex/morepackages.html [[ -d /usr/local/texlive/2015basic/bin/x86_64-darwin ]] && PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/texlive/2015basic/bin/x86_64-darwin elif [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^linux.*$ ]]; then # aliases alias ls='ls -F --color=auto' fi alias less='less -R' # preserves colors in GNU coreutils' `less` # solarized dircolors [[ -r ~/.dircolors.ansi-dark ]] && eval `dircolors ~/.dircolors.ansi-dark` # Environment export PS1='[%n@%m: %~]$ ' export EDITOR=vim export PAGER=less # look for Ansible hosts file in current directory export ANSIBLE_HOSTS=hosts # Enable node version manager (nvm) if [[ -d ~/.nvm ]]; then . ~/.nvm/nvm.sh fi # Initialize pyenv if it exists if which pyenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(pyenv init -)"; fi # Initialize jenv if it exists if which jenv > /dev/null; then export JENV_ROOT=~/.jenv eval "$(jenv init -)" fi # If a private bin directory exists, add it to PATH [[ -d ~/bin ]] && PATH=$PATH:~/bin # If a binary go distribution exists, add it to PATH # From here: http://golang.org/dl/ if [[ -d ~/Downloads/go ]]; then export GOROOT=~/Downloads/go export GOPATH=~/src/go PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin fi # resize images using GraphicsMagick # # $ smartresize DSC_0788.JPG 1920x1080 outputdir # # Similar to the one from SmashingMagazine, but ported to GraphicsMagick # see: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/06/efficient-image-resizing-with-imagemagick/ smartresize() { gm mogrify -filter Triangle -define filter:support=2 -thumbnail $2 -unsharp 2x0.5+0.7+0 -dither -quality 82 -define jpeg:fancy-upsampling=off -define png:compression-filter=5 -define png:compression-level=9 -define png:compression-strategy=1 -define png:exclude-chunk=all -interlace Line -strip -output-directory $3 $1 } # optimize jpeg using GraphicsMagick # # $ jpegoptimize DSC_0788.JPG outputdir [quality] # # Similar to smartresize above, but just optmizes the jpeg jpegoptimize() { if [[ -z $3 ]]; then QUALITY=82; else QUALITY=$3; fi gm mogrify -filter Triangle -define filter:support=2 -unsharp 2x0.5+0.7+0 -dither -quality $QUALITY -define jpeg:fancy-upsampling=off -interlace Line -strip -output-directory $2 $1 } # generate random password 25 characters long: # $ openssl rand -base64 18 | wc -c # 25 genpass() { openssl rand -base64 18 } export PATH export MANPATH