# -*- conf -*- # 2021-01-20: avoid errors on remote systems when using less etc when the foot # terminfo is not available. term=xterm-256color # Use fc-list to check fonts and styles font=Source Code Pro Medium:style=Medium:size=12 font-bold=Source Code Pro Semibold:style=Regular:size=12 font-italic=Source Code Pro Medium:style=Medium Italic:size=12 # I don't know where any bold italic is used, but this should work if I ever # find any. font-bold-italic=Source Code Pro Semibold:style=Semibold Italic:size=12 # Selenized dark [cursor] color = 103c48 53d6c7 [colors] background= 103c48 foreground= adbcbc regular0= 184956 regular1= fa5750 regular2= 75b938 regular3= dbb32d regular4= 4695f7 regular5= f275be regular6= 41c7b9 regular7= 72898f bright0= 2d5b69 bright1= ff665c bright2= 84c747 bright3= ebc13d bright4= 58a3ff bright5= ff84cd bright6= 53d6c7 bright7= cad8d9