#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Requires the following packages on Arch Linux: # - ttf-twemoji (and make sure there are no other emoji fonts like noto-fonts-emoji # - iwd (iwctl) # - pulsemixer # - python-psutil from datetime import datetime from subprocess import check_output from sys import stdout from psutil import sensors_battery def write(data): stdout.write("%s\n" % data) stdout.flush() def refresh(): try: ssid = ( check_output( "iwctl station wlan0 show | grep -o 'Connected network.*$' | sed 's/^Connected network\s\+//'", shell=True, ) .strip() .decode("utf-8") ) except Exception: ssid = "None" wifi_status = f"{ssid} 📶" battery_percent = int(sensors_battery().percent) battery_icon = "🔋" battery_status = f"{battery_percent} {battery_icon}" power_status = "🔌" if sensors_battery().power_plugged else "" try: # pulsemixer returns "10 10" so we need to split the output to get "10" volume_level = ( check_output("pulsemixer --get-volume", shell=True).strip().decode("utf-8") ) volume_level = int(volume_level.split(" ")[0]) if volume_level >= 70: volume_icon = "🔊" elif volume_level >= 30 and volume_level < 70: volume_icon = "🔉" elif volume_level < 30 and volume_level >= 1: volume_icon = "🔈" else: volume_icon = "🔇" except Exception: volume_level = "" volume_icon = "" volume_status = f"{volume_level} {volume_icon}" date = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %l:%M:%S %p") write(f"{wifi_status} {volume_status} {battery_status} {power_status} {date}") refresh()