Add scripts from ~/.local/bin
Some utility scripts.
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ dotfiles:
src: config/systemd/user/geoclue-agent.service
dst: ~/.config/systemd/user/geoclue-agent.service
src: local/bin
dst: ~/.local/bin
@ -86,6 +89,7 @@ profiles:
- f_psqlrc
- f_pam_environment
- f_xdg_desktop_portal_wlr_config
- d_local_bin
- d_vim
@ -106,3 +110,4 @@ profiles:
- f_pam_environment
- f_xdg_desktop_portal_wlr_config
- f_geoclue-agent.service
- d_local_bin
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
convert "$1" -trim \( +clone -background grey25 -shadow 80x40+5+30 \) +swap -background transparent -layers merge +repage "$1-shadow.png"
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# v2022-06-13
# I run it like this (using zsh syntax):
# $ for video (~/Pictures/2021/**/*.mp4(ND.)); do ~/Downloads/av1-tests/ "$video"; done
# Reference:
# -
# -
# Changes:
# 2022-06-13: use _max_crf in mkvpropedit if we don't find an acceptable vmaf
# 2022-04-05: update VMAF log parsing
# 2021-10-21: I tested 2-pass and found it doesn't do anything for constant
# quality mode. cpu-used 2 still takes ~5x longer than cpu-used 4
# at all tiling levels. 4x4 tiles much faster than 2x1 and 2x2 on
# all cpu-used levels, with quality less than 0.5 VMAF difference.
# Using 4x4 creates a grid of 16 tiles which just seems wrong...
# especially if you don't have many threads (I was using 12), so
# I will default to 2x2 as a compromise.
# 2021-10-20: use tiles instead of columns and rows
# 2021-10-16: use tile-columns 2 and tile-rows 2 (oops, this is 4x4 tiles!)
# 2021-08-31: strip spaces and commas from VMAF log file name as well
# 2021-05-14: benchmarked two pass and file sizes are larger by .5-1MB
# 2021-04-29: make sure input file exists
# 2021-03-07: benchmarked 10-bit and it's only .5 or less improvment to VMAF
# 2021-02-22: allow overriding threads
# 2021-02-15: fix handling of apostrophes in ffmpeg's log_path
# 2021-01-27: round VMAF before comparing, simplifies code a bit
# 2021-01-25: stop trying lower CRFs if VMAF is not likely to improve
# 2021-01-19: embed encoding parameters in webm metadata with mkvpropedit
# 2021-01-18: use 1-pass encoding (2-pass is only for trying to hit a target
# bitrate!)
# 2021-01-18: allow overriding variables
# 2021-01-17: detect if video already processed
# 2021-01-08: use cpu-used 4
# 2021-01-07: use tile-columns 2 and tile-rows 2 with cpu-used 4
# 2021-01-07: use tile-columns 2 and tile-rows 2 with cpu-used 3
# 2021-01-07: use -g 300 (30fps x 10)
# exit on first error
set -o errexit
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
echo "No input file specified."
exit 1
elif [[ ! -r "$1" ]]; then
echo "Input file missing or unreadable: $1"
exit 1
INPUT_FILE_BASENAME=$(basename "$1")
INPUT_FILE_DIRNAME=$(dirname "$1")
# Check if an output file name was specified (like if we are calling from the
# benchmarking script, in which case we want to exit as soon as possible). If
# not then we can continue with a simple filename based on the input file's.
if [[ -z $_output_file ]]; then
# aq-mode not recommended in AV1 yet
# 2021-01-08 (libaom 2.0.1): realistic range between 3 and 5, lower takes *much*
# longer with very little boost to VMAF. In my experience, cpu-used 2 is *three*
# times slower than cpu-used 4 at the same CRF for only a 0.5% boost in VMAF. 6
# is the same as 5 in all my tests *shrug*.
# 2021-10-20 -tile-columns and -tile-rows are for compatibility with libvpx. The
# new option for libaom is -tiles. Convert any columns/rows to tiles using 2^n.
if [[ ! -z $_tile_columns || ! -z $_tile_rows ]]; then
# Compute 2^n tile columns and tile rows (the power operator is ** in bash)
_tiles="$((2 ** $_tile_columns))x$((2 ** $_tile_rows))"
# 2021-02-22 use nproc number of threads unless threads is already set.
# Range of CRFs to try, where higher is faster, but lower quality. Based on my
# testing 52 to 40 should cover most crappy phone videos.
_libaom_version=$(pacman -Qi aom | grep Version | awk '{print $3}')
# For grainy mobile phone videos 90 is fine
# Don't bother trying lower CRF values if the CRF score is more than five points
# above the target. In my experience each successively lower CRF step gives you
# ~1 VMAF point. In these cases it isn't likely we'll ever reach the target, so
# we might as well just settle on the current CRF straight away.
# Change to the input file's directory
pushd "$INPUT_FILE_DIRNAME" >/dev/null
# We want the highest VMAF score possible with the highest CRF possible. Start
# with high CRF first to see if we can get an acceptable VMAF score as soon as
# possible. Step through values by 2.
for _crf in $(seq $_crf_max -2 $_crf_min); do
_processed=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname "$_output_file" | wc -l)
if [[ $_processed -gt 0 ]]; then
echo "${INPUT_FILE_BASENAME}: already processed"
exit 0
if [[ $_benchmark_mode == "false" ]]; then
echo "Processing ${INPUT_FILE_BASENAME} with libaom $_libaom_version CRF ${_crf}..."
chrt -b 0 nice ffmpeg -hide_banner -y -i "$INPUT_FILE_BASENAME" -c:v libaom-av1 -b:v 0 -crf $_crf \
-aq-mode $_aq_mode -c:a libopus -b:a 16k \
-sc_threshold 0 -cpu-used $_cpu_used \
-tiles $_tiles -row-mt 1 \
-auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 \
-g 300 -threads $_threads \
-f webm "$_output_file" 2>/dev/null
# Return quickly if we are in benchmark mode so the benchmark script can get
# an accurate time and compute its own VMAF score.
if [[ $_benchmark_mode == "true" ]]; then
exit 0
# strip apostrophes, spaces, and commas (if any) from log file name because
# ffmpeg's log_path doesn't seem to be able to handle them. The // performs
# a global replace.
_vmaf_log="${_vmaf_log// }"
# Get VMAF score with harmonic mean to emphasize small outliers
# See:
chrt -b 0 nice ffmpeg -hide_banner -y -i "$_output_file" -i "$INPUT_FILE_BASENAME" \
-filter_complex "libvmaf=pool=harmonic_mean:log_path=${_vmaf_log}:log_fmt=json" \
-f null - 2>/dev/null
_vmaf_score=$(jq '.["pooled_metrics"]["vmaf"]["harmonic_mean"]' "$_vmaf_log")
# bash can't do floating point so we use bc
# See:
_vmaf_score_round=$(printf %.$2f $(echo "scale=0;(((10^0)*$_vmaf_score)+0.5)/(10^0)" | bc))
rm "$_vmaf_log"
# Check if rounded VMAF score is >= target VMAF
if [[ $_vmaf_score_round -ge $_target_vmaf ]]; then
printf "$INPUT_FILE_BASENAME: acceptable VMAF (%.3f) at AV1 CRF ${_crf}.\n" $_vmaf_score
# Set the title with information about the encoding in the MKV title
mkvpropedit --edit info --set "title=${INPUT_FILE_BASENAME/.*/}-libaom_${_libaom_version}-crf${_crf}-cpu${_cpu_used}-${_tiles}-tiles-vmaf_${_vmaf_score}" "$_output_file" >/dev/null
# Break from the for loop because we have an acceptable output
# Check if the VMAF score is anywhere near our target, otherwise just keep
# current output.
elif (($_target_vmaf - $_vmaf_score_round >= $_target_vmaf_threshold)); then
printf "$INPUT_FILE_BASENAME: unacceptable VMAF (%.3f) at AV1 CRF ${_crf}, unlikely to reach target soon.\n" $_vmaf_score
# Break from the for loop and keep the current output, even though it's
# unacceptable.
printf "$INPUT_FILE_BASENAME: unacceptable VMAF (%.3f) at AV1 CRF ${_crf}, continuing.\n" $_vmaf_score
# Clean up the unacceptable output
rm "$_output_file"
# If we finished going over all the CRFs and still didn't get an acceptable VMAF
# score then the video is probably just really low quality so let's just convert
# using our max CRF and be done with it.
if [[ $_acceptable_output_found == "no" ]]; then
echo "${INPUT_FILE_BASENAME}: no acceptable output found, settling on AV1 CRF ${_crf_max}."
chrt -b 0 nice ffmpeg -hide_banner -y -i "$INPUT_FILE_BASENAME" -c:v libaom-av1 -b:v 0 -crf $_crf_max \
-aq-mode $_aq_mode -c:a libopus -b:a 16k \
-sc_threshold 0 -cpu-used $_cpu_used \
-tiles $_tiles -row-mt 1 \
-auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 \
-g 300 -threads $_threads \
-f webm "$_output_file" 2>/dev/null
# Set the title with information about the encoding in the MKV title
mkvpropedit --edit info --set "title=${INPUT_FILE_BASENAME/.*/}-libaom_${_libaom_version}-crf${_max_crf}-cpu${_cpu_used}-${_tiles}-tiles" "$_output_file" >/dev/null
# Change back to our starting directory
popd >/dev/null
exit 0
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# v2022-08-01
# Prepare a directory of images and videos for long-term archival by normalizing
# their names, optimizing JPEGs with jpeg-archive, and stripping embedded MP4s
# from Android Motion Photos.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
# Changes:
# v2022-08-01: fix minor syntax issue
# v2022-01-15: support Pixel panorama images
# v2021-12-26: add 'ftypiso6' for Nokia Android 9 MVIMG files, anchor regexes to
# beginning of line to prevent renaming files prematurely.
# Exit on first error
set -o errexit
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
echo "No target directory specified."
exit 1
echo "Preprocessing images and videos in $1"
# Change to the input file's directory
pushd "$1" >/dev/null
echo "Changing permissions to 640..."
find . -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \;
# Rename IMG_20210217_204834.jpg to 2021-02-17_204834.jpg
echo "Renaming images to ISO 8601 and removing IMG_..."
perl-rename 's/^IMG_([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})_([0-9]+)\.jpg/$1-$2-$3_$4.jpg/' *.jpg
perl-rename 's/^IMG_([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})_([0-9]+)\.JPG/$1-$2-$3_$4.jpg/' *.JPG
perl-rename 's/^IMG_([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})_([0-9]+)\.jpeg/$1-$2-$3_$4.jpg/' *.jpeg
perl-rename 's/^IMG_([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})_([0-9]+)\.JPEG/$1-$2-$3_$4.jpg/' *.JPEG
# Rename 20220501_174346.jpg (Samsung A52)
perl-rename 's/^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})_([0-9]+)\.jpg/$1-$2-$3_$4.jpg/' *.jpg
# Rename IMG_2180.HEIC to 2180.HEIC (iPhone)
perl-rename 's/^IMG_([0-9]{4}).HEIC/$1.heic/' *.HEIC
# Rename PXL_20210717_043834784.jpg to 2021-07-17_043834784.jpg (Pixel)
perl-rename 's/^PXL_([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})_([0-9]+)\.jpg/$1-$2-$3_$4.jpg/' *.jpg
# Remove embedded MP4s from Pixel motion images. Depending on the Android vers-
# ion the MP4 header could be ftypmp42, ftypmp4, ftypisom, etc. We have to check
# each one in succession, but note that grep will return a non-zero exit code
# if it doesn't find the pattern, so we need to temporarily disable errexit. To
# make matters worse, it seems some images are called MP and appear to contain
# multiple images in the Android Photos app, but don't contain an MP4!
# See:
# See:
# See:
set +o errexit
for file in PXL_*.MP.jpg MVIMG_*.jpg; do
# Don't crash when there are no files matching the glob
[ -f "$file" ] || continue
# Check MP4 header, newer versions first
unset ofs
for header in 'ftypisom' 'ftypmp4' 'ftypmp42' 'ftypiso6'; do
ofs=$(grep -F --byte-offset --only-matching --text "$header" "$file")
if [[ $ofs ]]; then
truncate -s $((ofs-4)) "$file"
# Go to next image
# Re-set exit on first error
set -o errexit
# Rename PXL_20210717_043834784.MP.jpg to 2021-07-17_043834784.jpg (Pixel Motion Images)
perl-rename 's/^PXL_([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})_([0-9]+)\.MP\.jpg/$1-$2-$3_$4.jpg/' *.jpg
# Rename MVIMG_20190618_124507.jpg to 2019-06-18_124507.jpg (Android Motion Images)
perl-rename 's/^MVIMG_([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})_([0-9]+)\.jpg/$1-$2-$3_$4.jpg/' *.jpg
# Rename PXL_20210910_193159741.NIGHT.jpg to 2021-09-10_193159741.jpg (Pixel Night mode)
perl-rename 's/^PXL_([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})_([0-9]+)\.NIGHT\.jpg/$1-$2-$3_$4.jpg/' *.jpg
# Rename PXL_20211118_162823829.PORTRAIT.jpg to 2021-11-18_162823829.jpg (Pixel Portrait mode)
perl-rename 's/^PXL_([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})_([0-9]+)\.PORTRAIT\.jpg/$1-$2-$3_$4.jpg/' *.jpg
# Rename PXL_20210925_150154460.PANO.jpg to 2021-09-25_150154460.jpg (Pixel Panorama mode)
perl-rename 's/^PXL_([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})_([0-9]+)\.PANO\.jpg/$1-$2-$3_$4.jpg/' *.jpg
for file in *.heic; do
[ -f "$file" ] || continue
# We are going to rename the HEIC files according to their embedded dates,
# but exiftool syntax is hard so I will just check if these files were al-
# ready renamed and skip them. These files come from iPhones.
if [[ ! $file =~ ^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}_[0-9]{4}\.HEIC$ ]]; then
# Rename file based on DateTimeOriginal EXIF tag and the original file
# name (I removed the "IMG_" part with perl-rename first).
exiftool '-filename<${DateTimeOriginal}_${FileName}' -d %Y-%m-%d "$file"
# Rename VID_20210205_112539.mp4 to 2021-02-05_112539.mp4
echo "Renaming videos to ISO 8601 and removing VID_..."
perl-rename 's/VID_([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})_([0-9]+)\.mp4/$1-$2-$3_$4.mp4/' *.mp4
perl-rename 's/VID_([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})_([0-9]+)\.MP4/$1-$2-$3_$4.mp4/' *.MP4
# Rename 20220502_124146.mp4 (Samsung A52)
perl-rename 's/^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})_([0-9]+)\.mp4/$1-$2-$3_$4.mp4/' *.mp4
# Rename PXL_20210714_145336054.mp4 to 2021-07-14_145336054.mp4
perl-rename 's/PXL_([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})_([0-9]+)\.mp4/$1-$2-$3_$4\.mp4/' *.mp4
# Optimize JPEGs with jpeg-archive
find . -name '*.jpg' | chrt -b 0 parallel --no-notice "jpeg-recompress -q high {} {}"
# Change back to our starting directory
popd >/dev/null
exit 0
Reference in New Issue
Block a user