import pandas as pd import re def whitespace(field): """Fix whitespace issues. Return string with leading, trailing, and consecutive whitespace trimmed. """ # Skip fields with missing values if pd.isna(field): return # Initialize an empty list to hold the cleaned values values = list() # Try to split multi-value field on "||" separator for value in field.split('||'): # Strip leading and trailing whitespace value = value.strip() # Replace excessive whitespace (>2) with one space pattern = re.compile(r'\s{2,}') match = re.findall(pattern, value) if match: print(f'Excessive whitespace: {value}') value = re.sub(pattern, ' ', value) # Save cleaned value values.append(value) # Create a new field consisting of all values joined with "||" new_field = '||'.join(values) return new_field def separators(field): """Fix for invalid multi-value separators (ie "|").""" # Skip fields with missing values if pd.isna(field): return # Initialize an empty list to hold the cleaned values values = list() # Try to split multi-value field on "||" separator for value in field.split('||'): # After splitting, see if there are any remaining "|" characters pattern = re.compile(r'\|') match = re.findall(pattern, value) if match: print(f'Fixing invalid multi-value separator: {value}') value = re.sub(pattern, '||', value) # Save cleaned value values.append(value) # Create a new field consisting of all values joined with "||" new_field = '||'.join(values) return new_field def unnecessary_unicode(field): """Remove unnecessary Unicode characters. Removes unnecessary Unicode characters like: - Zero-width space (U+200B) - Replacement character (U+FFFD) - No-break space (U+00A0) Return string with characters removed. """ # Skip fields with missing values if pd.isna(field): return # Check for zero-width space characters (U+200B) pattern = re.compile(r'\u200B') match = re.findall(pattern, field) if match: print(f'Removing unnecessary Unicode (U+200B): {field}') field = re.sub(pattern, '', field) # Check for replacement characters (U+FFFD) pattern = re.compile(r'\uFFFD') match = re.findall(pattern, field) if match: print(f'Removing unnecessary Unicode (U+FFFD): {field}') field = re.sub(pattern, '', field) # Check for no-break spaces (U+00A0) pattern = re.compile(r'\u00A0') match = re.findall(pattern, field) if match: print(f'Removing unnecessary Unicode (U+00A0): {field}') field = re.sub(pattern, '', field) return field def duplicates(field): """Remove duplicate metadata values.""" # Skip fields with missing values if pd.isna(field): return # Try to split multi-value field on "||" separator values = field.split('||') # Initialize an empty list to hold the de-duplicated values new_values = list() # Iterate over all values for value in values: # Check if each value exists in our list of values already if value not in new_values: new_values.append(value) else: print(f'Dropping duplicate value: {value}') # Create a new field consisting of all values joined with "||" new_field = '||'.join(new_values) return new_field