A simple, but opinionated metadata quality checker and fixer designed to work with CSVs in the DSpace ecosystem (though it could theoretically work on any CSV that uses Dublin Core fields as columns). The implementation is essentially a pipeline of checks and fixes that begins with splitting multi-value fields on the standard DSpace "||" separator, trimming leading/trailing whitespace, and then proceeding to more specialized cases like ISSNs, ISBNs, languages, etc.
Requires Python 3.6 or greater (3.8 recommended). CSV and Excel support comes from the [Pandas](https://pandas.pydata.org/) library, though your mileage may vary with Excel because this is much less tested.
You can enable several "unsafe" fixes with the `--unsafe-fixes` option. Currently this will attempt to fix invalid multi-value separators and remove newlines.
### Invalid Multi-Value Separators
This is considered "unsafe" because it is *theoretically* possible for a single `|` character to be used legitimately in a metadata value, though in my experience it is always a typo. For example, if a user mistakenly writes `Kenya|Tanzania` when attempting to indicate two countries, the result will be one metadata value with the literal text `Kenya|Tanzania`. The `--unsafe-fixes` option will correct the invalid multi-value separator so that there are two metadata values, ie `Kenya||Tanzania`.
This is considered "unsafe" because some systems give special importance to vertical space and render it properly. DSpace does not support rendering newlines in its XMLUI and has, at times, suffered from parsing errors that cause the import process to fail if an input file had newlines. The `--unsafe-fixes` option strips Unix line feeds (U+000A).
[Unicode](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode) is a standard for encoding text. As the standard aims to support most of the world's languages, characters can often be represented in different ways and still be valid Unicode. This leads to interesting problems that can be confusing unless you know what's going on behind the scenes. For example, the characters `é` and `é`*look* the same, but are not—technically they refer to different code points in the Unicode standard:
-`é` is the Unicode code point `U+00E9`
-`é` is the Unicode code points `U+0065` + `U+0301`
Read more about [Unicode normalization](https://withblue.ink/2019/03/11/why-you-need-to-normalize-unicode-strings.html).
You can enable validation of metadata values in certain fields against the AGROVOC REST API with the `--agrovoc-fields` option. For example, in addition to agricultural subjects, many countries and regions are also present AGROVOC. Enable this validation by specifying a comma-separated list of fields:
*Note: Requests to the AGROVOC REST API are cached using [requests_cache](https://pypi.org/project/requests-cache/) to speed up subsequent runs with the same data and to be kind to the system's administrators.*
You can enable experimental support for validating whether the value of an item's `dc.language.iso` or `dcterms.language` field matches the actual language used in its title, abstract, and citation.
Possibly incorrect language es (detected en): Incorrect ISO 639-1 language
Possibly incorrect language spa (detected eng): Incorrect ISO 639-3 language
This currently uses the [Python langid](https://github.com/saffsd/langid.py) library. In the future I would like to move to the fastText library, but there is currently an [issue with their Python bindings](https://github.com/facebookresearch/fastText/issues/909) that makes this unfeasible.
This work is licensed under the [GPLv3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html).
The license allows you to use and modify the work for personal and commercial purposes, but if you distribute the work you must provide users with a means to access the source code for the version you are distributing. Read more about the [GPLv3 at TL;DR Legal](https://tldrlegal.com/license/gnu-general-public-license-v3-(gpl-3)).