Online DSpace CSV Metadata Quality Checker

Build Status Code style: black

Screenshot of csv-metadata-quality-web on Heroku

## Usage Create a Python 3.10+ virtual environment and install the dependencies: $ python3 -m venv venv $ source venv/bin/activate $ pip install -r requirements.txt ## Running Locally $ gunicorn csv_metadata_quality_web.main And then visit http://localhost:8000/ in your browser. ## Running Behind nginx Set the `SCRIPT_NAME` environment variable to the path you will reverse proxy from: $ gunicorn csv_metadata_quality_web.main --env SCRIPT_NAME=/csv-metadata-quality Then use a configuration snippet like this in nginx: ``` location /csv-metadata-quality { include proxy_params; proxy_pass; } ``` ## License This work is licensed under the [GPLv3]( The license allows you to use and modify the work for personal and commercial purposes, but if you distribute the work you must provide users with a means to access the source code for the version you are distributing. Read more about the [GPLv3 at TL;DR Legal](