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The DSpace CSV Metadata Quality Checker is a collection of sanity checks and automated fixes for a number of common issues in metadata files.

Skip fields(s) 
Optionally indicate fields to skip during analysis. Separate multiple fields with a comma, for example: dcterms.issued,dcterms.subject.
Validate field(s) against AGROVOC 
Optionally indicate fields to validate against AGROVOC. Separate multiple fields with a comma, for example: dcterms.subject,cg.coverage.country. Note: this can take an extra minute or more depending on your data. If you have a problem please try again and it will generally be faster the second time.
This will remove newlines and perform normalization of Unicode characters. Read more about these unsafe fixes.
Attempt to validate whether the value of an item's dc.language.iso or dcterms.language field matches the actual language of text used in its title, abstract, and citation. Read more about these experimental checks.
{% include 'footer.html' %}