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<h2><a href="/cgspace-notes/2015-11/">November, 2015</a></h2>
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Nov 23, 2015
2015-11-22 CGSpace went down Looks like DSpace exhausted its PostgreSQL connection pool Last week I had increased the limit from 30 to 60, which seemed to help, but now there are many more idle connections: $ psql -c 'SELECT * from pg_stat_activity;' | grep idle | grep -c cgspace 78 For now I have increased the limit from 60 to 90, run updates, and rebooted the server 2015-11-24 CGSpace went down again Getting emails from uptimeRobot and uptimeButler that it&rsquo;s down, and Google Webmaster Tools is sending emails that there is an increase in crawl errors Looks like there are still a bunch of idle PostgreSQL connections: $ psql -c 'SELECT * from pg_stat_activity;' | grep idle | grep -c cgspace 96 For some reason the number of idle connections is very high since we upgraded to DSpace 5 2015-11-25 Troubleshoot the DSpace 5 OAI breakage caused by nginx routing config The OAI application requests stylesheets and javascript files with the path /oai/static/css, which gets matched here: # static assets we can load from the file system directly with nginx location ~ /(themes|static|aspects/ReportingSuite) { try_files $uri @tomcat; ...
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