--- title: "July, 2019" date: 2019-07-01T12:13:51+03:00 author: "Alan Orth" tags: ["Notes"] --- ## 2019-07-01 - Create an "AfricaRice books and book chapters" collection on CGSpace for AfricaRice - Last month Sisay asked why the following "most popular" statistics link for a range of months in 2018 works for the CIAT community on DSpace Test, but not on CGSpace: - [DSpace Test](https://dspacetest.cgiar.org/handle/10568/35697/most-popular/item#simplefilter=custom&time_filter_end_date=01%2F12%2F2018) - [CGSpace](https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/35697/most-popular/item#simplefilter=custom&time_filter_end_date=01%2F12%2F2018) - Abenet had another similar issue a few days ago when trying to find the stats for 2018 in the RTB community - If I change the parameters to 2019 I see stats, so I'm really thinking it has something to do with the sharded yearly Solr statistics cores - I checked the Solr admin UI and I see all Solr cores loaded, so I don't know what it could be - When I check the Atmire content and usage module it seems obvious that there is a problem with the old cores because I dont have anything before 2019-01 ![Atmire CUA 2018 stats missing](/cgspace-notes/2019/07/atmire-cua-2018-missing.png) - I don't see anyone logged in right now so I'm going to try to restart Tomcat and see if the stats are accessible after Solr comes back up - I decided to run all system updates on the server (linode18) and reboot it - After rebooting Tomcat came back up, but the the Solr statistics cores were not all loaded - The error is always (with a different core): ``` org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error CREATEing SolrCore 'statistics-2010': Unable to create core [statistics-2010] Caused by: Lock obtain timed out: NativeFSLock@/home/cgspace.cgiar.org/solr/statistics-2010/data/index/write.lock ``` - I restarted Tomcat *ten times* and it never worked... - I tried to stop Tomcat and delete the write locks: ``` # systemctl stop tomcat7 # find /dspace/solr/statistics* -iname "*.lock" -print -delete /dspace/solr/statistics/data/index/write.lock /dspace/solr/statistics-2010/data/index/write.lock /dspace/solr/statistics-2011/data/index/write.lock /dspace/solr/statistics-2012/data/index/write.lock /dspace/solr/statistics-2013/data/index/write.lock /dspace/solr/statistics-2014/data/index/write.lock /dspace/solr/statistics-2015/data/index/write.lock /dspace/solr/statistics-2016/data/index/write.lock /dspace/solr/statistics-2017/data/index/write.lock /dspace/solr/statistics-2018/data/index/write.lock # find /dspace/solr/statistics* -iname "*.lock" -print -delete # systemctl start tomcat7 ``` - But it still didn't work! - I stopped Tomcat, deleted the old locks, and will try to use the "simple" lock file type in `solr/statistics/conf/solrconfig.xml`: ``` ${solr.lock.type:simple} ``` - And after restarting Tomcat it still doesn't work - Now I'll try going back to "native" locking with `unlockAtStartup`: ``` true ``` - Now the cores seem to load, but I still see an error in the Solr Admin UI and I still can't access any stats before 2018 - I filed an [issue with Atmire](https://tracker.atmire.com/tickets-cgiar-ilri/view-ticket?id=685), so let's see if they can help - And since I'm annoyed and it's been a few months, I'm going to move the JVM heap settings that I've been testing on DSpace Test to CGSpace - The old ones were: ``` -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xms8192m -Xmx8192m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=5400 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false ``` - And the new ones come from Solr 4.10.x's startup scripts: ``` -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xms8192m -Xmx8192m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:NewRatio=3 -XX:SurvivorRatio=4 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:ConcGCThreads=4 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark -XX:PretenureSizeThreshold=64m -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=50 -XX:CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime=6000 -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1337 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false ``` ## 2019-07-02 - Help upload twenty-seven posters from the 2019-05 Sharefair to CGSpace - Sisay had already done the SAFBundle so I did some minor corrections to and uploaded them to a temporary collection so I could check them in OpenRefine: ``` $ sed -i 's/CC-BY 4.0/CC-BY-4.0/' item_*/dublin_core.xml $ echo "10568/101992" >> item_*/collections $ dspace import -a -e me@cgiar.org -m 2019-07-02-Sharefair.map -s /tmp/Sharefair_mapped ``` - I noticed that all twenty-seven items had double dates like "2019-05||2019-05" so I fixed those, but the rest of the metadata looked good so I unmapped them from the temporary collection - Finish looking at the fifty-six AfricaRice items and upload them to CGSpace: ``` $ dspace import -a -e me@cgiar.org -m 2019-07-02-AfricaRice-11to73.map -s /tmp/SimpleArchiveFormat ``` - Peter pointed out that the Sharefair dates I fixed were not actually fixed - It seems there is a bug that causes DSpace to not detect changes if the values are the same like "2019-05||2019-05" and you try to remove one - To get it to work I had to change some of them to 2019-01, then remove them ## 2019-07-03 - Atmire responded about the [Solr issue](https://tracker.atmire.com/tickets-cgiar-ilri/view-ticket?id=685) and said they would be willing to help ## 2019-07-04 - Maria Garruccio sent me some new ORCID identifiers for Bioversity authors - I combined them with our existing list and then used my `resolve-orcids.py` script to update the names from ORCID.org: ``` $ cat dspace/config/controlled-vocabularies/cg-creator-id.xml /tmp/new-bioversity-orcids.txt | grep -oE '[A-Z0-9]{4}-[A-Z0-9]{4}-[A-Z0-9]{4}-[A-Z0-9]{4}' | sort -u > /tmp/2019-07-04-orcid-ids.txt $ ./resolve-orcids.py -i /tmp/2019-07-04-orcid-ids.txt -o 2019-07-04-orcid-names.txt -d ``` - Send and merge a pull request for the new ORCID identifiers ([#428](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/428)) - I created a CSV with some ORCID identifiers that I had seen change so I could update any existing ones in the databse: ``` cg.creator.id,correct "Marius Ekué: 0000-0002-5829-6321","Marius R.M. Ekué: 0000-0002-5829-6321" "Mwungu: 0000-0001-6181-8445","Chris Miyinzi Mwungu: 0000-0001-6181-8445" "Mwungu: 0000-0003-1658-287X","Chris Miyinzi Mwungu: 0000-0003-1658-287X" ``` - But when I ran `fix-metadata-values.py` I didn't see any changes: ``` $ ./fix-metadata-values.py -i 2019-07-04-update-orcids.csv -db dspace -u dspace -p 'fuuu' -f cg.creator.id -m 240 -t correct -d ``` ## 2019-07-06 - Send a reminder to Marie about my notes on the [CG Core v2 issue I created two weeks ago](https://github.com/AgriculturalSemantics/cg-core/issues/2) ## 2019-07-08 - Communicate with Atmire about the Solr statistics cores issue - I suspect we might need to get more disk space on DSpace Test so we can try to replicate the production environment more closely - Meeting with AgroKnow and CTA about their new ICT Update story telling thing - AgroKnow has developed a React application to display tag clouds based on harvesting metadata and full text from CGSpace items - We discussed how to host it technically, perhaps we purchase a server to run it on and just give AgroKnow guys access - Playing with the idea of using [xsv](https://github.com/BurntSushi/xsv) to do some basic batch quality checks on CSVs, for example to find items that might be duplicates if they have the same DOI or title: ``` $ xsv frequency --select cg.identifier.doi --no-nulls cgspace_metadata_africaRice-11to73_ay_id.csv | grep -v -E ',1' field,value,count cg.identifier.doi,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2018.06.018,2 $ xsv frequency --select dc.title --no-nulls cgspace_metadata_africaRice-11to73_ay_id.csv | grep -v -E ',1' field,value,count dc.title,Reference evapotranspiration prediction using hybridized fuzzy model with firefly algorithm: Regional case study in Burkina Faso,2 ``` - Or perhaps if DOIs are valid or not (having doi.org in the URL): ``` $ xsv frequency --select cg.identifier.doi --no-nulls cgspace_metadata_africaRice-11to73_ay_id.csv | grep -v -E 'doi.org' field,value,count cg.identifier.doi,https://hdl.handle.net/10520/EJC-1236ac700f,1 ``` - Or perhaps items with invalid ISSNs (according to the [ISSN code format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Serial_Number#Code_format)): ``` $ xsv select dc.identifier.issn cgspace_metadata_africaRice-11to73_ay_id.csv | grep -v '"' | grep -v -E '^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{3}[0-9xX]$' dc.identifier.issn 978-3-319-71997-9 978-3-319-71997-9 978-3-319-71997-9 978-3-319-58789-9 2320-7035 2593-9173 ``` ## 2019-07-09 - Thinking about data cleaning automation again and found some resources about Python and Pandas: - https://realpython.com/python-data-cleaning-numpy-pandas/ - https://mode.com/blog/python-data-cleaning-libraries ## 2019-07-11 - Skype call with Marie Angelique about CG Core v2 - We discussed my comments and suggestions from last week - One comment she had was that we should try to move our center-specific subjects into `DCTERMS.subject` and normalize them against AGROVOC - I updated my [gist about CGSpace metadata changes](https://gist.github.com/alanorth/2db39e91f48d116e00a4edffd6ba6409) - Skype call with Jane Poole to discuss OpenRXV/AReS Phase II TORs - I need to follow up with Moayad about the reporting functionality - Also, I need to email Harrison my notes on the CG Core v2 stuff - Also, Jane asked me to check the Data Portal to see which email address requests for confidential data are going - Yesterday Theirry from CTA asked me about an error he was getting while submitting an item on CGSpace: "Unable to load Submission Information, since WorkspaceID (ID:S106658) is not a valid in-process submission." - I looked in the DSpace logs and found this right around the time of the screenshot he sent me: ``` 2019-07-10 11:50:27,433 INFO org.dspace.submit.step.CompleteStep @ lewyllie@cta.int:session_id=A920730003BCAECE8A3B31DCDE11A97E:submission_complete:Completed submission with id=106658 ``` - I'm assuming something happened in his browser (like a refresh) after the item was submitted... ## 2019-07-12 - Atmire responded with some initial feedback about our Tomcat configuration related to the [Solr issue I raised recently](https://tracker.atmire.com/tickets-cgiar-ilri/view-ticket?id=685) - Unfortunately there is no concrete feedback yet - I think we need to upgrade our DSpace Test server so we can fit all the Solr cores... - Actually, I looked and there were over 40 GB free on DSpace Test so I copied the Solr statistics cores for the years 2017 to 2010 from CGSpace to DSpace Test because they weren't actually very large - I re-deployed DSpace for good measure, and I think all Solr cores are loading... I will do more tests later - Run all system updates on DSpace Test (linode19) and reboot it - Try to run `dspace cleanup -v` on CGSpace and ran into an error: ``` Error: ERROR: update or delete on table "bitstream" violates foreign key constraint "bundle_primary_bitstream_id_fkey" on table "bundle" Detail: Key (bitstream_id)=(167394) is still referenced from table "bundle". ``` - The solution is, as always: ``` # su - postgres $ psql dspace -c 'update bundle set primary_bitstream_id=NULL where primary_bitstream_id in (167394);' UPDATE 1 ``` ## 2019-07-16 - Completely reset the Podman configuration on my laptop because there were some layers that I couldn't delete and it had been some time since I did a cleanup: ``` $ podman system prune -a -f --volumes $ sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/containers ``` - Then pull a new PostgreSQL 9.6 image and load a CGSpace database dump into a new local test container: ``` $ podman pull postgres:9.6-alpine $ podman run --name dspacedb -v dspacedb_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:9.6-alpine $ createuser -h localhost -U postgres --pwprompt dspacetest $ createdb -h localhost -U postgres -O dspacetest --encoding=UNICODE dspacetest $ psql -h localhost -U postgres dspacetest -c 'alter user dspacetest superuser;' $ pg_restore -h localhost -U postgres -d dspacetest -O --role=dspacetest -h localhost ~/Downloads/cgspace_2019-07-16.backup $ psql -h localhost -U postgres dspacetest -c 'alter user dspacetest nosuperuser;' $ psql -h localhost -U postgres -f ~/src/git/DSpace/dspace/etc/postgres/update-sequences.sql dspacetest ``` - Start working on implementing the [CG Core v2 changes](https://gist.github.com/alanorth/2db39e91f48d116e00a4edffd6ba6409) on my local DSpace test environment - Make a pull request to CG Core v2 with some fixes for typos in the specification ([#5](https://github.com/AgriculturalSemantics/cg-core/pull/5)) ## 2019-07-18 - Talk to Moayad about the remaining issues for OpenRXV / AReS - He sent a pull request with some changes for the bar chart and documentation about configuration, and said he'd finish the export feature next week - Sisay said a user was having problems registering on CGSpace and it looks like the email account expired again: ``` $ dspace test-email About to send test email: - To: blahh@cgiar.org - Subject: DSpace test email - Server: smtp.office365.com Error sending email: - Error: javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException Please see the DSpace documentation for assistance. ``` - I emailed ICT to ask them to reset it and make the expiration period longer if possible ## 2019-07-19 - ICT reset the password for the CGSpace support account and apparently removed the expiry requirement - I tested the account and it's working ## 2019-07-20 - Create an account for Lionelle Samnick on CGSpace because the registration isn't working for some reason: ``` $ dspace user --add --givenname Lionelle --surname Samnick --email blah@blah.com --password 'blah' ``` - I added her as a submitter to [CTA ISF Pro-Agro series](https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/74536) - Start looking at 1429 records for the Bioversity batch import - Multiple authors should be specified with multi-value separatator (||) instead of ; - We don't use "(eds)" as an author - Same issue with dc.publisher using ";" for multiple values - Some invalid ISSNs in dc.identifier.issn (they look like ISBNs) - I see some ISSNs in the dc.identifier.isbn field - I see some invalid ISBNs that look like Excel errors (9,78E+12) - For DOI we just use the URL, not "DOI: https://doi.org..." - I see an invalid "LEAVE BLANK" in the cg.contributor.crp field - Country field is using "," for multiple values instead of "||" - Region field is using "," for multiple values instead of "||" - Language field should be lowercase like "en", and it is using the wrong multiple value separator, and has some invalid values - What is the cg.identifier.url2 field? You should probably add those as cg.link.reference ## 2019-07-22 - Raise an [issue on CG Core v2 spec regarding country and region coverage](https://github.com/AgriculturalSemantics/cg-core/issues/8) - The current standard has them implemented as a class like this: ``` Country http://sws.geonames.org/192950 Kenya ``` - I left a note saying that DSpace is technically limited to a flat schema so we use `cg.coverage.country: Kenya` - Do a little more work on CG Core v2 in the input forms ## 2019-07-25 - Generate a list of the ORCID identifiers that we added to CGSpace in 2019 for Sara Jani at ICARDA - Bioversity sent a new file for their migration to CGSpace - There is always a blank row and blank column at the end - One invalid type (Brie) - 824 items with leading/trailing spaces in dc.identifier.citation - 175 items with a trailing comma in dc.identifier.citation (using custom text facet with GREL `value.endsWith(',').toString()`) - Fix them with GREL transform: `value.replace(/,$/, '')` - A few strange publishers after splitting multi-value cells, like "(Belgium)" - Deleted four ISSNs that are actually ISBNs and are already present in the ISBN field - Eight invalid ISBNs - Convert all DOIs to "https://doi.org" format and fix one invalid DOI - Fix a handful of incorrect CRPs that seem to have been split on comma "," - Lots of strange values in cg.link.reference, and I normalized all DOIs to https://doi.org format - There are lots of invalid links here, like "36" and "recordlink:publications:2606" and "t3://record?identifier=publications&uid=2606" - Also there are hundreds of items that use the same value for cg.link.reference AND cg.link.dataurl - Use https:// for all Bioversity links (reference, data url, permalink) - I might be able to use [isbnlib](https://pypi.org/project/isbnlib/) to validate ISBNs in Python: ``` if isbnlib.is_isbn10('9966-955-07-0') or isbnlib.is_isbn13('9966-955-07-0'): print("Yes") else: print("No") ``` - Or with [python-stdnum](https://github.com/arthurdejong/python-stdnum): ``` from stdnum import isbn from stdnum import issn isbn.validate('978-92-9043-389-7') issn.validate('1020-3362') ``` ## 2019-07-26 - Bioversity sent me an updated CSV file that fixes some of the issues I pointed out yesterday - There are still 1429 records - There are still one extra row and one extra column - There are still eight invalid ISBNs (according to my `validate.py` script) - I figured out a GREL to trim spaces in multi-value cells without splitting them: ``` value.replace(/\s+\|\|/,"||").replace(/\|\|\s+/,"||") ``` - I whipped up a quick script using Python Pandas to do whitespace cleanup ## 2019-07-29 - I turned the Pandas script into a proper Python package called [csv-metadata-quality](https://git.sr.ht/~alanorth/csv-metadata-quality) - It supports CSV and Excel files - It fixes whitespace errors and erroneous multi-value separators ("|") and validates ISSN, ISBNs, and dates - Also I added a bunch of other checks/fixes for unnecessary and "suspicious" Unicode characters - Inform Bioversity that there is an error in their CSV, seemingly caused by quotes in the citation field