- Looking at some DAGRIS data for Abenet Yabowork
- Lots of issues with spaces, newlines, etc causing the import to fail
- I noticed we have a very interesting list of countries on CGSpace:

- Not only are there 49,000 countries, we have some blanks (25)…
- Also, lots of things like “COTE D`LVOIRE” and “COTE D IVOIRE”
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- Move ILRI collection
from 10568/27869
to 10568/27629
using the move_collections.sh script I wrote last year.
- I realized it is only necessary to clear the Cocoon cache after moving collections—rather than reindexing—as no metadata has changed, and therefore no search or browse indexes need to be updated.
- Update GitHub wiki for documentation of maintenance tasks.
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- Replace
with xz
in log compression cron jobs on DSpace Test—it uses less space:
# cd /home/dspacetest.cgiar.org/log
# ls -lh dspace.log.2015-11-18*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tomcat7 tomcat7 2.0M Nov 18 23:59 dspace.log.2015-11-18
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tomcat7 tomcat7 387K Nov 18 23:59 dspace.log.2015-11-18.lzo
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tomcat7 tomcat7 169K Nov 18 23:59 dspace.log.2015-11-18.xz
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- CGSpace went down
- Looks like DSpace exhausted its PostgreSQL connection pool
- Last week I had increased the limit from 30 to 60, which seemed to help, but now there are many more idle connections:
$ psql -c 'SELECT * from pg_stat_activity;' | grep idle | grep -c cgspace
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