January, 2016


  • Move ILRI collection 10568/12503 from 10568/27869 to 10568/27629 using the move_collections.sh script I wrote last year.
  • I realized it is only necessary to clear the Cocoon cache after moving collections—rather than reindexing—as no metadata has changed, and therefore no search or browse indexes need to be updated.
  • Update GitHub wiki for documentation of maintenance tasks.


  • Update CCAFS project identifiers in input-forms.xml
  • Run system updates and restart the server


  • Change “Extension material” to “Extension Material” in input-forms.xml (a mistake that fell through the cracks when we fixed the others in DSpace 4 era)


  • Work on tweaks and updates for the social sharing icons on item pages: add Delicious and Mendeley (from Academicons), make links open in new windows, and set the icon color to the theme’s primary color (#157)
  • Tweak date-based facets to show more values in drill-down ranges (#162)
  • Need to remember to clear the Cocoon cache after deployment or else you don’t see the new ranges immediately