--- title: "May, 2022" date: 2022-05-04T09:13:39+03:00 author: "Alan Orth" categories: ["Notes"] --- ## 2022-05-04 - I found a few more IPs making requests using the shady Chrome 44 user agent in the last few days so I will add them to the block list too: - - - - - - Looking at the Solr statistics for 2022-04 - is Microsoft, but they are using a normal user agent and making tens of thousands of requests - is owned by Qualys, and all their requests are probing for /etc/passwd etc - is in the Netherlands and is using a normal user agent, but making excessive automated HTTP requests to paths forbidden in robots.txt - is owned by Microsoft and identifies as bingbot so I don't know why its requests were logged in Solr - is owned by Microsoft and uses a normal user agent, but making excessive automated HTTP requests - is owned by Microsoft and uses a normal user agent, but making excessive automated HTTP requests - is owned by Microsoft and identifies as bingbot so I don't know why its requests were logged in Solr - If I query Solr for `time:2022-04* AND dns:*msnbot* AND dns:*.msn.com.` I see a handful of IPs that made 41,000 requests - I purged 93,974 hits from these IPs using my `check-spider-ip-hits.sh` script - Now looking at the Solr statistics by user agent I see: - `SomeRandomText` - `RestSharp/` - `MetaInspector/5.7.0 (+https://github.com/jaimeiniesta/metainspector)` - `wp_is_mobile` - `Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; um-LN/1.0; mailto: techinfo@ubermetrics-technologies.com; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.1"` - `insomnia/2022.2.1` - `ZoteroTranslationServer` - `omgili/0.5 +http://omgili.com` - `curb` - `Sprout Social (Link Attachment)` - I purged 2,900 hits from these user agents from Solr using my `check-spider-hits.sh` script - I made a [pull request to COUNTER-Robots](https://github.com/atmire/COUNTER-Robots/pull/54) for some of these agents - In the mean time I will add them to our local overrides in DSpace - Run all system updates on AReS server, update all Docker containers, and restart the server - Start a harvest on AReS