- Looking at log file use on CGSpace and notice that we need to work on our cron setup a bit
- We are backing up all logs in the log folder, including useless stuff like solr, cocoon, handle-plugin, etc
- After running DSpace for over five years I’ve never needed to look in any other log file than dspace.log, leave alone one from last year!
- This will save us a few gigs of backup space we’re paying for on S3
- Also, I noticed the
log has some errors we should pay attention to:
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- Looking at issues with author authorities on CGSpace
- For some reason we still have the
cron job active on CGSpace, but I’m pretty sure we don’t need it as of the latest few versions of Atmire’s Listings and Reports module
- Reinstall my local (Mac OS X) DSpace stack with Tomcat 7, PostgreSQL 9.3, and Java JDK 1.7 to match environment on CGSpace server
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- Looking at some DAGRIS data for Abenet Yabowork
- Lots of issues with spaces, newlines, etc causing the import to fail
- I noticed we have a very interesting list of countries on CGSpace:

- Not only are there 49,000 countries, we have some blanks (25)…
- Also, lots of things like “COTE D`LVOIRE” and “COTE D IVOIRE”
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- Move ILRI collection
from 10568/27869
to 10568/27629
using the move_collections.sh script I wrote last year.
- I realized it is only necessary to clear the Cocoon cache after moving collections—rather than reindexing—as no metadata has changed, and therefore no search or browse indexes need to be updated.
- Update GitHub wiki for documentation of maintenance tasks.
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- Replace
with xz
in log compression cron jobs on DSpace Test—it uses less space:
# cd /home/dspacetest.cgiar.org/log
# ls -lh dspace.log.2015-11-18*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tomcat7 tomcat7 2.0M Nov 18 23:59 dspace.log.2015-11-18
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tomcat7 tomcat7 387K Nov 18 23:59 dspace.log.2015-11-18.lzo
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tomcat7 tomcat7 169K Nov 18 23:59 dspace.log.2015-11-18.xz
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- CGSpace went down
- Looks like DSpace exhausted its PostgreSQL connection pool
- Last week I had increased the limit from 30 to 60, which seemed to help, but now there are many more idle connections:
$ psql -c 'SELECT * from pg_stat_activity;' | grep idle | grep -c cgspace
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