August, 2023
- I finally got around to working on Peter’s cleanups for affiliations, authors, and donors from last week
- I did some minor cleanups myself and applied them to CGSpace
- Start working on some batch uploads for IFPRI
- Minor cleanups on IFPRI’s batch uploads
- I also did a duplicate check and found thirteen items that seem to be duplicates, so I sent them to Leigh to check
- I read this interesting blog post about PostgreSQL’s
function- Someone pointed out that this also lets you take advantage of PgBadger analysis
- I enabled statement logging on DSpace Test and I will check it in a few days
- Reading about DSpace 7 REST API again
- Here is how to get the first page of 100 items:
- I really want to benchmark this to see how fast we can get all the pages
- Another thing I notice is that the bitstreams are not here, so that will be an extra call…
- Export CGSpace to check for missing Initiative collection mappings
- Start a harvest on AReS
- I’m checking the PostgreSQL logs now that statement logging has been enabled for a few days on DSpace Test
- I see the logs are about 7 or 8 GB, which is larger than expected—and this is the test server!
- I will now play with pgbadger to see if it gives any useful insights
- Hmm, it sems the
advice was old as pgbadger itself says:
Do not enable log_statement as its log format will not be parsed by pgBadger.
… and:
Warning: Do not enable both log_min_duration_statement, log_duration and log_statement all together, this will result in wrong counter values. Note that this will also increase drastically the size of your log. log_min_duration_statement should always be preferred.
- So we need to follow pgbadger’s instructions rather to get a suitable log file
- After enabling the new settings I see that our log file is going to be reaallllly big… hmmmm will check tomorrow morning
- More work on the IFPRI batch uploads
- Apply more corrections to authors from Peter on CGSpace
- I finally figured out a
for PostgreSQL that works for pgBadger:
log_line_prefix = '%t [%p]: user=%u,db=%d,app=%a,client=%h '
- Now I can generate reports:
# /usr/bin/pgbadger -I -q /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-14-main.log -O /srv/www/pgbadger
- Ideally we would run this incremental report every day on the postgresql-14-main.log.1 aka yesterday’s version of the log file after it is rotated
- Now I have to see how large the file will be…
- I did some final updates to the ninety IFPRI records and uploaded them to DSpace Test first, then to CGSpace
- Fix bug with header background on DSpace 7 on mobile
- Export CGSpace to check for missing Initiative collection mappings
- I deployed the latest OpenRXV master branch with Angular v14 and backend updates on the server
- Start a harvest on AReS