+++ date = "2017-04-02T17:08:52+02:00" author = "Alan Orth" title = "April, 2017" tags = ["Notes"] +++ ## 2017-04-02 - Merge one change to CCAFS flagships that I had forgotten to remove last month ("MANAGING CLIMATE RISK"): https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/317 - Quick proof-of-concept hack to add `dc.rights` to the input form, including some inline instructions/hints: ![dc.rights in the submission form](/cgspace-notes/2017/04/dc-rights.png) - Remove redundant/duplicate text in the DSpace submission license - Testing the CMYK patch on a collection with 650 items: ``` $ [dspace]/bin/dspace filter-media -f -i 10568/16498 -p "ImageMagick PDF Thumbnail" -v >& /tmp/filter-media-cmyk.txt ``` ## 2017-04-03 - Continue testing the CMYK patch on more communities: ``` $ [dspace]/bin/dspace filter-media -f -i 10568/1 -p "ImageMagick PDF Thumbnail" -v >> /tmp/filter-media-cmyk.txt 2>&1 ``` - So far there are almost 500: ``` $ grep -c profile /tmp/filter-media-cmyk.txt 484 ``` - Looking at the CG Core document again, I'll send some feedback to Peter and Abenet: - We use cg.contributor.crp to indicate the CRP(s) affiliated with the item - DSpace has dc.date.available, but this field isn't particularly meaningful other than as an automatic timestamp at the time of item accession (and is identical to dc.date.accessioned) - dc.relation exists in CGSpace, but isn't used—rather dc.relation.ispartofseries, which is used ~5,000 times to Series name and number within that series - Also, I'm noticing some weird outliers in `cg.coverage.region`, need to remember to go correct these later: ``` dspace=# select text_value from metadatavalue where resource_type_id=2 and metadata_field_id=227; ``` ## 2017-04-04 - The `filter-media` script has been running on more large communities and now there are many more CMYK PDFs that have been fixed: ``` $ grep -c profile /tmp/filter-media-cmyk.txt 1584 ```