CGSpace Notes

Documenting day-to-day work on the CGSpace repository.

June, 2022


  • Look at the Solr statistics on CGSpace
    • I see 167,000 hits from a bunch of Microsoft IPs with reverse DNS “msnbot-” using the Solr query dns:*msnbot* AND dns:*
    • I purged these first so I could see the other “real” IPs in the Solr facets
  • I see 47,500 hits from on a data center ISP in Sweden, using a normal user agent
  • I see 13,000 hits from on a data center ISP in Australia, using a normal user agent
  • I see 7,300 hits from from Britanica, using a normal user agent
    • There seem to be many more of these:
# zcat --force /var/log/nginx/access.log* | grep 208.185.238. | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -h
  • I see 3,000 hits from by a Russian-owned IP in the Netherlands that is making a GET to / every one minute, using a normal user agent
  • I see 3,000 hits from on Digital Ocean to the REST API with a normal user agent
  • I purged all these hits from IPs for a total of about 265,000
  • Then I faceted by user agent and found
    • 1,000 hits by insomnia/2022.2.1, which I also saw last month and submitted to COUNTER-Robots
    • 265 hits by omgili/0.5 +
    • 150 hits by Vizzit
    • 132 hits by MetaInspector/5.7.0 (+
    • 73 hits by
    • 62 hits by bitdiscovery
    • 59 hits by Asana/1.4.0 WebsiteMetadataRetriever
    • 32 hits by Sprout Social (Link Attachment)
    • 29 hits by CyotekWebCopy/1.9 CyotekHTTP/6.2
    • 20 hits by Hootsuite-Authoring/1.0
  • I purged about 4,100 hits from these user agents
  • Run all system updates on AReS server (linode20) and reboot
  • I want to try to update some of the build dependencies of OpenRXV since Node.js 12 is no longer supported
  • Upgrade linode20 to Ubuntu 22.04 and start an AReS harvest
  • I merged the Mirage 2 build fix to dspace-6_x for DSpace 6.4


  • I tested Node.js 14 one more time with vanilla DSpace 6.4-SNAPSHOT and with the CGSpace source and it worked well
    • I made a pull request to DSpace to use Node.js 14 for Mirage 2
    • I even tested Node.js 16 and it works, but that is enough for now…


  • Work on AReS a bit since I wasn’t able to harvest after doing the updates on the server and in the containers a few days ago
    • I don’t know what the problem was really, but on the server I had to enable IPv4 forwarding so the frontend container would build
    • Once I downed and upped AReS with docker-compose I was able to start a new harvest
    • I also did some tests to enable ES2020 target in the backend because we’re on Node.js 14 there now


  • Create a user for Mohammed Salem to test MEL submission on DSpace Test:
$ dspace user -a -m -g MEL -s Submit -p 'owwwwwwww'
  • According to my notes from 2020-10 the account must be in the admin group in order to submit via the REST API


  • Start a harvest on AReS


  • Francesca asked us to add the CC-BY-3.0-IGO license to the submission form on CGSpace
    • I remember I had requested SPDX to add CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0-IGO in 2019-02, and they finally merged it in 2020-07, but I never added it to CGSpace
    • I will add the full suite of CC 3.0 IGO licenses to CGSpace and then make a request to SPDX for the others: - CC-BY-3.0-IGO - CC-BY-SA-3.0-IGO - CC-BY-ND-3.0-IGO - CC-BY-NC-3.0-IGO - CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0-IGO - CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0-IGO
  • I filed an issue asking for SPDX to add CC-BY-3.0-IGO
  • Meeting with Moayad from CodeObia to discuss OpenRXV
    • He added the ability to use multiple indexes / dashboards, and to be able to embed them in iframes
  • Add cg.contributor.initiative with a controlled vocabulary based on CLARISA’s list to the CGSpace submission form
  • Switch to the linux-virtual-hwe-20.04 kernel on CGSpace (linode18), run all system updates, and reboot


  • I noticed a few ORCID identifiers missing for some scientists so I added them to the controlled vocabulary and then tagged them on CGSpace:
$ cat 2022-06-17-add-orcids.csv,cg.creator.identifier
"Tijjani, A.","Abdulfatai Tijjani: 0000-0002-0793-9059"
"Tijjani, Abdulfatai","Abdulfatai Tijjani: 0000-0002-0793-9059"
"Mrode, Raphael A.","Raphael Mrode: 0000-0003-1964-5653"
"Okeyo Mwai, Ally","Ally Okeyo Mwai: 0000-0003-2379-7801"
"Ojango, Julie M.K.","Ojango J.M.K.: 0000-0003-0224-5370"
"Prendergast, J.G.D.","James Prendergast: 0000-0001-8916-018X"
"Ekine-Dzivenu, Chinyere","Chinyere Ekine-Dzivenu: 0000-0002-8526-435X"
"Ekine, C.","Chinyere Ekine-Dzivenu: 0000-0002-8526-435X"
"Ekine-Dzivenu, C.C","Chinyere Ekine-Dzivenu: 0000-0002-8526-435X"
"Shilomboleni, Helena","Helena Shilomboleni: 0000-0002-9875-6484"
$ ./ilri/ -i /tmp/2022-06-17-add-orcids.csv -db dspace -u dspace -p 'fuuu' | tee /tmp/orcids.log
$ grep -c 'Adding ORCID' /tmp/orcids2.log 
  • Also make some changes to the Discovery facets and item view
    • I reduced the number of items to show for CRP facets from 20 to 5
    • I added a facet for the Initiatives
    • I re-organized a few parts of the item view to add Action Areas and the list of author affiliations


  • I deployed the changes on CGSpace and started a full Discovery index for the new Initiatives facet
  • Run dspace cleanup -v on CGSpace


  • Add missing ORCID identifier for ILRI staff to CGSpace and tag their items


  • Work on OpenRXV backend dependencies
    • Update Elasticsearch and TypeScript and eslint
  • Sit in on webinar about contributing terms to AGROVOC
    • I agreed that I would send Sara Jani from ICARDA a list of new terms we have that don’t match AGROVOC by end of June
    • I need to indicate which center is using them so we can have an appropriate expert review the terms


  • I re-deployed AReS with the latest OpenRXV changes then started a fresh harvest
  • Meeting with Salem to discuss metadata between CGSpace and MEL
    • We started working through his spreadsheet and then the Internet dropped