CGSpace Notes

Documenting day-to-day work on the CGSpace repository.

October, 2017

  • There appears to be a pattern but I’ll have to look a bit closer and try to clean them up automatically, either in SQL or in OpenRefine
  • Add Katherine Lutz to the groups for content sumission and edit steps of the CGIAR System collections


  • Peter Ballantyne said he was having problems logging into CGSpace with “both” of his accounts (CGIAR LDAP and personal, apparently)
  • I looked in the logs and saw some LDAP lookup failures due to timeout but also strangely a “no DN found” error:
2017-10-01 20:24:57,928 WARN  org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPAuthentication @ anonymous:session_id=CA0AA5FEAEA8805645489404CDCE9594:ip_addr= javax.naming.CommunicationException\colon;\colon;3269 [Root exception is\colon; Connection timed out (Connection timed out)]
2017-10-01 20:22:37,982 INFO  org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPAuthentication @ anonymous:session_id=CA0AA5FEAEA8805645489404CDCE9594:ip_addr= DN found for user pballantyne
  • I thought maybe his account had expired (seeing as it’s was the first of the month) but he says he was finally able to log in today
  • The logs for yesterday show fourteen errors related to LDAP auth failures:
$ grep -c "ldap_authentication:type=failed_auth" dspace.log.2017-10-01
  • For what it’s worth, there are no errors on any other recent days, so it must have been some network issue on Linode or CGNET’s LDAP server
  • Linode emailed to say that linode578611 (DSpace Test) needs to migrate to a new host for a security update so I initiated the migration immediately rather than waiting for the scheduled time in two weeks


  • Twice in the last twenty-four hours Linode has alerted about high CPU usage on CGSpace (linode2533629)
  • Communicate with Sam from the CGIAR System Organization about some broken links coming from their CGIAR Library domain to CGSpace
  • The first is a link to a browse page that should be handled better in nginx: →
  • We’ll need to check for browse links and handle them properly, including swapping the subject parameter for systemsubject (which doesn’t exist in Discovery yet, but we’ll need to add it) as we have moved their poorly curated subjects from dc.subject to cg.subject.system
  • The second link was a direct link to a bitstream which has broken due to the sequence being updated, so I told him he should link to the handle of the item instead
  • Help Sisay proof sixty-two IITA records on DSpace Test
  • Lots of inconsistencies and errors in subjects, dc.format.extent, regions, countries
  • Merge the Discovery search changes for ISI Journal (#341)


  • Twice in the past twenty-four hours Linode has warned that CGSpace’s outbound traffic rate was exceeding the notification threshold
  • I had a look at yesterday’s OAI and REST logs in /var/log/nginx but didn’t see anything unusual:
# awk '{print $1}' /var/log/nginx/rest.log.1 | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -h | tail -n 10
# awk '{print $1}' /var/log/nginx/oai.log.1 | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -h | tail -n 10
  • Working on the nginx redirects for CGIAR Library
  • We should start using 301 redirects and also allow for /sitemap to work on the domain so the CGIAR System Organization people can update their Google Search Console and allow Google to find their content in a structured way
  • Remove eleven occurrences of ACP in IITA’s cg.coverage.region using the Atmire batch edit module from Discovery
  • Need to investigate how we can verify the using the HTML or DNS methods
  • Run corrections on 143 ILRI Archive items that had two dc.identifier.uri values (Handle) that Peter had pointed out earlier this week
  • I used OpenRefine to isolate them and then fixed and re-imported them into CGSpace
  • I manually checked a dozen of them and it appeared that the correct handle was always the second one, so I just deleted the first one


Original flat thumbnails Tweaked with border and box shadow

  • I’ll post it to the Yammer group to see what people think
  • I figured out at way to do the HTML verification for Google Search console for
  • We can drop the HTML file in their XMLUI theme folder and it will get copied to the webapps directory during build/install
  • Then we add an nginx alias for that URL in the vhost
  • This method is kinda a hack but at least we can put all the pieces into git to be reproducible
  • I will tell Tunji to send me the verification file


  • Deploy logic to allow verification of the domain in the Google Search Console (#343)
  • After verifying both the HTTP and HTTPS domains and submitting a sitemap it will be interesting to see how the stats in the console as well as the search results change (currently 28,500 results):

Google Search Console Google Search Console 2 Google Search results

  • I tried to submit a “Change of Address” request in the Google Search Console but I need to be an owner on CGSpace’s console (currently I’m just a user) in order to do that
  • Manually clean up some communities and collections that Peter had requested a few weeks ago
  • Delete Community 10568102 (ILRI Research and Development Issues)
  • Move five collections to 1056827629 (ILRI Projects) using with the following configuration:
10568/1637 10568/174 10568/27629
10568/1642 10568/174 10568/27629
10568/1614 10568/174 10568/27629
10568/75561 10568/150 10568/27629
10568/183 10568/230 10568/27629
  • Delete community 10568174 (Sustainable livestock futures)
  • Delete collections in 1056827629 that have zero items (33 of them!)


  • Peter added me as an owner on the CGSpace property on Google Search Console and I tried to submit a “Change of Address” request for the CGIAR Library but got an error:

Change of Address error

  • We are sending top-level CGIAR Library traffic to their specific community hierarchy in CGSpace so this type of change of address won’t work—we’ll just need to wait for Google to slowly index everything and take note of the HTTP 301 redirects
  • Also the Google Search Console doesn’t work very well with Google Analytics being blocked, so I had to turn off my ad blocker to get the “Change of Address” tool to work!


  • Finally finish (I think) working on the myriad nginx redirects for all the CGIAR Library browse stuff—it ended up getting pretty complicated!
  • I still need to commit the DSpace changes (add browse index, XMLUI strings, Discovery index, etc), but I should be able to deploy that on CGSpace soon


  • Run system updates on DSpace Test and reboot server
  • Merge changes adding a search/browse index for CGIAR System subject to 5_x-prod (#344)
  • I checked the top browse links in Google’s search results for inurl:browse and they are all redirected appropriately by the nginx rewrites I worked on last week


  • Run system updates on DSpace Test and reboot server
  • Re-deploy CGSpace from latest 5_x-prod (adds ISI Journal to search filters and adds Discovery index for CGIAR Library systemsubject)
  • Deploy nginx redirect fixes to catch CGIAR Library browse links (redirect to their community and translate subject→systemsubject)
  • Run migration of CGSpace server (linode18) for Linode security alert, which took 42 minutes of downtime


  • In the last 24 hours we’ve gotten a few alerts from Linode that there was high CPU and outgoing traffic on CGSpace
  • Uptime Robot even noticed CGSpace go “down” for a few minutes
  • In other news, I was trying to look at a question about stats raised by Magdalena and then CGSpace went down due to SQL connection pool
  • Looking at the PostgreSQL activity I see there are 93 connections, but after a minute or two they went down and CGSpace came back up
  • Annnd I reloaded the Atmire Usage Stats module and the connections shot back up and CGSpace went down again
  • Still not sure where the load is coming from right now, but it’s clear why there were so many alerts yesterday on the 25th!
# grep -o -E 'session_id=[A-Z0-9]{32}' dspace.log.2017-10-25 | sort -n | uniq | wc -l
  • Compared to other days there were two or three times the number of requests yesterday!
# grep -o -E 'session_id=[A-Z0-9]{32}' dspace.log.2017-10-23 | sort -n | uniq | wc -l
# grep -o -E 'session_id=[A-Z0-9]{32}' dspace.log.2017-10-26 | sort -n | uniq | wc -l
  • I still have no idea what was causing the load to go up today
  • I finally investigated Magdalena’s issue with the item download stats and now I can’t reproduce it: I get the same number of downloads reported in the stats widget on the item page, the “Most Popular Items” page, and in Usage Stats
  • I think it might have been an issue with the statistics not being fresh