--- title: "September, 2021" date: 2021-09-01T09:14:07+03:00 author: "Alan Orth" categories: ["Notes"] --- ## 2021-09-02 - Troubleshooting the missing Altmetric scores on AReS - Turns out that I didn't actually fix them last month because the check for `content.altmetric` still exists, and I can't access the DOIs using `_h.source.DOI` for some reason - I can access all other kinds of item metadata using the Elasticsearch label, but not DOI!!! - I will change `DOI` to `tomato` in the repository setup and start a re-harvest... I need to see if this is some kind of reserved word or something... - Even as `tomato` I can't access that field as `_h.source.tomato` in Angular, but it does work as a filter source... sigh - I'm having problems using the OpenRXV API - The syntax Moayad showed me last month doesn't seem to honor the search query properly...