CGSpace Notes

Documenting day-to-day work on the CGSpace repository.

April, 2024


  • Work on CGSpace duplicate DOIs more


  • Start working on IFPRI’s 2022 batch import
    • I ran the duplicate checker against CGSpace and started downloading all linked PDFs


  • Continue working on IFPRI’s 2022 batch import
    • I started validating the potential duplicates in OpenRefine


  • Finish working on the 650 IFPRI 2022 records that were not already on CGSpace, then uploaded them
    • I need to merge the metadata for the remaining 212 that are already on CGSpace
  • Spend some time looking at duplicate DOIs again…


  • Spend some time looking at duplicate DOIs again…


  • Spend some time looking at duplicate DOIs again…


$ time curl -s -o /dev/null '*&scope=8f1e9650-fe87-4e6e-889a-1cacfb747408&page=0&size=100&embed=thumbnail,bundles/bitstreams&sort=dcterms.issued,desc'
curl -s -o /dev/null   0.01s user 0.01s system 0% cpu 47.515 total
$ time curl -s -o /dev/null '*&scope=8f1e9650-fe87-4e6e-889a-1cacfb747408&page=0&size=100&sort=dcterms.issued,desc'
curl -s -o /dev/null   0.01s user 0.01s system 0% cpu 4.764 total
  • Finalize processing the remaining 206 items from the IFPRI 2022 batch set that already existed on CGSpace
    • I merged metadata with the existing items
    • There are still six remaining items that I identified as being duplicates (3x2) in the IFPRI set itself


  • Spend some time looking at duplicate DOIs again…
  • Assist Deborah with an advanced query on CGSpace for biodiversity and health:
dcterms.issued:[2010 TO 2024] AND dcterms.type:"Journal Article" AND (dc.title:"biodiversity" OR dcterms.subject:"biodiversity" OR dc.title:"health" OR dcterms.subject:"health")
  • Remove CIMMYT URLs and citations from 277 journal articles on CGSpace since it is a bit tacky
import urllib2

doi = cells['cg.identifier.doi[en_US]'].value
url = "" + doi + "/transform/text/x-bibliography"
useragent = "Python ("

request = urllib2.Request(url.encode("utf-8"), headers={"User-Agent" : useragent})
get = urllib2.urlopen(request)

  • It took ten or so minutes for it to finish (and note this is Python 2 inside OpenRefine so I had to be careful with Unicode), but worked well!


  • Write a SQL query to build the IFPRI CONTENTdm redirects to Handles:
SELECT m.text_value, h.handle FROM metadatavalue m JOIN handle h on m.dspace_object_id = h.resource_id WHERE m.metadata_field_id=28 AND m.text_value LIKE 'Original URL%' AND h.resource_type_id=2;
  • Similarly, I need a SQL query to get the redirects for duplicate Handles, querying for dcterms.replaces:
SELECT m.text_value AS handle_from, h.handle AS handle_to FROM metadatavalue m JOIN handle h on m.dspace_object_id = h.resource_id WHERE m.metadata_field_id=181 AND h.resource_type_id=2;
  • Then I can work that list into an nginx map with redirect, for example:
server {

    if ($new_uri) {
        return 301 $new_uri;

map $request_uri $new_uri {
    /handle/10568/112821 /handle/10568/97605;