CGSpace Notes

Documenting day-to-day work on the CGSpace repository.

January, 2022


  • Start a full harvest on AReS


  • Add ORCID identifier for Chris Jones to CGSpace
    • Also tag eighty-eight of his items in CGSpace:
$ cat 2022-01-06-add-orcids.csv,cg.creator.identifier
"Jones, Chris","Chris Jones: 0000-0001-9096-9728"
"Jones, Christopher S.","Chris Jones: 0000-0001-9096-9728"
$ ./ilri/ -i 2022-01-06-add-orcids.csv -db dspace63 -u dspacetest -p 'dom@in34sniper' 


  • Validate and register CGSpace on OpenArchives
    • Last month IWMI colleagues were asking me to look into this, and after checking the OpenArchives mailing list it seems there was a problem on the server side
    • Now it has worked and the message is “Successfully updated OAI registration database to status COMPLIANT.”
    • I received an email (as the Admin contact on our OAI) that says:

Your repository has been registered in the OAI database of conforming repositories.

  • Now I’m taking a screenshot of the validation page for posterity, because the logs seem to go away after some time registration

  • I tried to re-build the Docker image for OpenRXV and got an error in the backend:
> openrxv-backend@0.0.1 build
> nest build

node_modules/@elastic/elasticsearch/api/types.d.ts:2454:13 - error TS2456: Type alias 'AggregationsAggregate' circularly references itself.

2454 export type AggregationsAggregate = AggregationsSingleBucketAggregate | AggregationsAutoDateHistogramAggregate | AggregationsFiltersAggregate | AggregationsSignificantTermsAggregate<any> | AggregationsTermsAggregate<any> | AggregationsBucketAggregate | AggregationsCompositeBucketAggregate | AggregationsMultiBucketAggregate<AggregationsBucket> | AggregationsMatrixStatsAggregate | AggregationsKeyedValueAggregate | AggregationsMetricAggregate
node_modules/@elastic/elasticsearch/api/types.d.ts:3209:13 - error TS2456: Type alias 'AggregationsSingleBucketAggregate' circularly references itself.

3209 export type AggregationsSingleBucketAggregate = AggregationsSingleBucketAggregateKeys

Found 2 error(s).
  • Ah, it seems the code on the server was slightly out of date
    • I checked out the latest master branch and it built



  • Francesca was having issues with a submission on CGSpace this week
    • I checked and see a lot of locks in PostgreSQL:
$ psql -c "SELECT application_name FROM pg_locks pl LEFT JOIN pg_stat_activity psa ON =" | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
      1 ------------------
      1 (3506 rows)
      1  application_name 
      9  psql
   3487  dspaceWeb
  • As before, I see messages from PostgreSQL about processes waiting for locks since I enabled the log_lock_waits setting last month:
$ grep -E '^2022-01*' /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-10-main.log | grep -c 'still waiting for'
  • I set a system alert on DSpace and then restarted the server