+++ date = "2017-06-01T10:14:52+03:00" author = "Alan Orth" title = "June, 2017" tags = ["Notes"] +++ ## 2017-06-01 - After discussion with WLE and CGSpace content people, we decided to just add one metadata field for the WLE Research Themes - The `cg.identifier.wletheme` field will be used for both Phase I and Phase II Research Themes - Then we'll create a new sub-community for Phase II and create collections for the research themes there - The current "Research Themes" community will be renamed to "WLE Phase I Research Themes" - Tagged all items in the current Phase I collections with their appropriate themes - Create pull request to add Phase II research themes to the submission form: [#328](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/328) - Add `cg.subject.system` to CGSpace metadata registry, for subject from the upcoming CGIAR Library migration ## 2017-06-04 - After adding `cg.identifier.wletheme` to 1106 WLE items I can see the field on XMLUI but not in REST! - Strangely it happens on DSpace Test AND on CGSpace! - I tried to re-index Discovery but it didn't fix it - Run all system updates on DSpace Test and reboot the server - After rebooting the server (and therefore restarting Tomcat) the new metadata field is available - I've sent a message to the dspace-tech mailing list to ask if this is a bug and whether I should file a Jira ticket ## 2016-06-05 - Rename WLE's "Research Themes" sub-community to "WLE Phase I Research Themes" on DSpace Test so Macaroni Bros can continue their testing - Macaroni Bros tested it and said it's fine, so I renamed it on CGSpace as well - Working on how to automate the extraction of the CIAT Book chapters, doing some magic in OpenRefine to extract page from–to from cg.identifier.url and dc.format.extent, respectively: - cg.identifier.url: `value.split("page=", "")[1]` - dc.format.extent: `value.replace("p. ", "").split("-")[1].toNumber() - value.replace("p. ", "").split("-")[0].toNumber()` - Finally, after some filtering to see which small outliers there were (based on dc.format.extent using "p. 1-14" vs "29 p."), create a new column with last page number: - `cells["dc.page.from"].value.toNumber() + cells["dc.format.pages"].value.toNumber()` - Then create a new, unique file name to be used in the output, based on a SHA1 of the dc.title and with a description: - dc.page.to: `value.split(" ")[0].replace(",","").toLowercase() + "-" + sha1(value).get(1,9) + ".pdf__description:" + cells["dc.type"].value` - Start processing 769 records after filtering the following (there are another 159 records that have some other format, or for example they have their own PDF which I will process later), using a modified `generate-thumbnails.py` script to read certain fields and then pass to GhostScript: - cg.identifier.url: `value.contains("page=")` - dc.format.extent: `or(value.contains("p. "),value.contains(" p."))` - Command like: `$ gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dFirstPage=14 -dLastPage=27 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=beans.pdf -f 12605-1.pdf` - 17 of the items have issues with incorrect page number ranges, and upon closer inspection they do not appear in the referenced PDF - I've flagged them and proceeded without them (752 total) on DSpace Test: ``` $ JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1024m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" [dspace]/bin/dspace import --add --eperson=aorth@mjanja.ch --collection=10568/93843 --source /home/aorth/src/CIAT-Books/SimpleArchiveFormat/ --mapfile=/tmp/ciat-books.map &> /tmp/ciat-books.log ``` - I went and did some basic sanity checks on the remaining items in the CIAT Book Chapters and decided they are mostly fine (except one duplicate and the flagged ones), so I imported them to DSpace Test too (162 items) - Total items in CIAT Book Chapters is 914, with the others being flagged for some reason, and we should send that back to CIAT - Restart Tomcat on CGSpace so that the `cg.identifier.wletheme` field is available on REST API for Macaroni Bros ## 2017-06-07 - Testing [Atmire's patch for the CUA Workflow Statistics again](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/319) - Still doesn't seem to give results I'd expect, like there are no results for Maria Garruccio, or for the ILRI community! - Then I'll file an update to the issue on Atmire's tracker - Created a new branch with just the relevant changes, so I can send it to them - One thing I noticed is that there is a failed database migration related to CUA: ``` +----------------+----------------------------+---------------------+---------+ | Version | Description | Installed on | State | +----------------+----------------------------+---------------------+---------+ | 1.1 | Initial DSpace 1.1 databas | | PreInit | | 1.2 | Upgrade to DSpace 1.2 sche | | PreInit | | 1.3 | Upgrade to DSpace 1.3 sche | | PreInit | | 1.3.9 | Drop constraint for DSpace | | PreInit | | 1.4 | Upgrade to DSpace 1.4 sche | | PreInit | | 1.5 | Upgrade to DSpace 1.5 sche | | PreInit | | 1.5.9 | Drop constraint for DSpace | | PreInit | | 1.6 | Upgrade to DSpace 1.6 sche | | PreInit | | 1.7 | Upgrade to DSpace 1.7 sche | | PreInit | | 1.8 | Upgrade to DSpace 1.8 sche | | PreInit | | 3.0 | Upgrade to DSpace 3.x sche | | PreInit | | 4.0 | Initializing from DSpace 4 | 2015-11-20 12:42:52 | Success | | 5.0.2014.08.08 | DS-1945 Helpdesk Request a | 2015-11-20 12:42:53 | Success | | 5.0.2014.09.25 | DS 1582 Metadata For All O | 2015-11-20 12:42:55 | Success | | 5.0.2014.09.26 | DS-1582 Metadata For All O | 2015-11-20 12:42:55 | Success | | 5.0.2015.01.27 | MigrateAtmireExtraMetadata | 2015-11-20 12:43:29 | Success | | 5.0.2017.04.28 | CUA eperson metadata migra | 2017-06-07 11:07:28 | OutOrde | | 5.5.2015.12.03 | Atmire CUA 4 migration | 2016-11-27 06:39:05 | OutOrde | | 5.5.2015.12.03 | Atmire MQM migration | 2016-11-27 06:39:06 | OutOrde | | 5.6.2016.08.08 | CUA emailreport migration | 2017-01-29 11:18:56 | OutOrde | +----------------+----------------------------+---------------------+---------+ ``` - Merge the pull request for [WLE Phase II themes](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/328)