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Looking at log file use on CGSpace and notice that we need to work on our cron setup a bit
We are backing up all logs in the log folder, including useless stuff like solr, cocoon, handle-plugin, etc
After running DSpace for over five years I&rsquo;ve never needed to look in any other log file than dspace.log, leave alone one from last year!
This will save us a few gigs of backup space we&rsquo;re paying for on S3
Also, I noticed the checker log has some errors we should pay attention to:

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Looking at log file use on CGSpace and notice that we need to work on our cron setup a bit
We are backing up all logs in the log folder, including useless stuff like solr, cocoon, handle-plugin, etc
After running DSpace for over five years I&rsquo;ve never needed to look in any other log file than dspace.log, leave alone one from last year!
This will save us a few gigs of backup space we&rsquo;re paying for on S3
Also, I noticed the checker log has some errors we should pay attention to:


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Looking at log file use on CGSpace and notice that we need to work on our cron setup a bit
We are backing up all logs in the log folder, including useless stuff like solr, cocoon, handle-plugin, etc
After running DSpace for over five years I&rsquo;ve never needed to look in any other log file than dspace.log, leave alone one from last year!
This will save us a few gigs of backup space we&rsquo;re paying for on S3
Also, I noticed the checker log has some errors we should pay attention to:


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    <h2 class="blog-post-title"><a href="https://alanorth.github.io/cgspace-notes/2016-04/">April, 2016</a></h2>
    <p class="blog-post-meta"><time datetime="2016-04-04T11:06:00&#43;03:00">Mon Apr 04, 2016</time> by Alan Orth in 

<i class="fa fa-tag" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;<a href="/cgspace-notes/tags/notes" rel="tag">Notes</a>

  <h2 id="2016-04-04">2016-04-04</h2>

<li>Looking at log file use on CGSpace and notice that we need to work on our cron setup a bit</li>
<li>We are backing up all logs in the log folder, including useless stuff like solr, cocoon, handle-plugin, etc</li>
<li>After running DSpace for over five years I&rsquo;ve never needed to look in any other log file than dspace.log, leave alone one from last year!</li>
<li>This will save us a few gigs of backup space we&rsquo;re paying for on S3</li>
<li>Also, I noticed the <code>checker</code> log has some errors we should pay attention to:</li>


<pre><code>Run start time: 03/06/2016 04:00:22
Error retrieving bitstream ID 71274 from asset store.
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/cgspace.cgiar.org/assetstore/64/29/06/64290601546459645925328536011917633626 (Too many open files)
        at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
        at java.io.FileInputStream.&lt;init&gt;(FileInputStream.java:146)
        at edu.sdsc.grid.io.local.LocalFileInputStream.open(LocalFileInputStream.java:171)
        at edu.sdsc.grid.io.GeneralFileInputStream.&lt;init&gt;(GeneralFileInputStream.java:145)
        at edu.sdsc.grid.io.local.LocalFileInputStream.&lt;init&gt;(LocalFileInputStream.java:139)
        at edu.sdsc.grid.io.FileFactory.newFileInputStream(FileFactory.java:630)
        at org.dspace.storage.bitstore.BitstreamStorageManager.retrieve(BitstreamStorageManager.java:525)
        at org.dspace.checker.BitstreamDAO.getBitstream(BitstreamDAO.java:60)
        at org.dspace.checker.CheckerCommand.processBitstream(CheckerCommand.java:303)
        at org.dspace.checker.CheckerCommand.checkBitstream(CheckerCommand.java:171)
        at org.dspace.checker.CheckerCommand.process(CheckerCommand.java:120)
        at org.dspace.app.checker.ChecksumChecker.main(ChecksumChecker.java:236)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606)
        at org.dspace.app.launcher.ScriptLauncher.runOneCommand(ScriptLauncher.java:225)
        at org.dspace.app.launcher.ScriptLauncher.main(ScriptLauncher.java:77)

<li>So this would be the <code>tomcat7</code> Unix user, who seems to have a default limit of 1024 files in its shell</li>
<li>For what it&rsquo;s worth, we have been setting the actual Tomcat 7 process&rsquo; limit to 16384 for a few years (in <code>/etc/default/tomcat7</code>)</li>
<li>Looks like cron will read limits from <code>/etc/security/limits.*</code> so we can do something for the tomcat7 user there</li>
<li>Submit pull request for Tomcat 7 limits in Ansible dspace role (<a href="https://github.com/ilri/rmg-ansible-public/pull/30">#30</a>)</li>

<h2 id="2016-04-05">2016-04-05</h2>

<li>Reduce Amazon S3 storage used for logs from 46 GB to 6GB by deleting a bunch of logs we don&rsquo;t need!</li>

<pre><code># s3cmd ls s3://cgspace.cgiar.org/log/ &gt; /tmp/s3-logs.txt
# grep checker.log /tmp/s3-logs.txt | awk '{print $4}' | xargs s3cmd del
# grep cocoon.log /tmp/s3-logs.txt | awk '{print $4}' | xargs s3cmd del
# grep handle-plugin.log /tmp/s3-logs.txt | awk '{print $4}' | xargs s3cmd del
# grep solr.log /tmp/s3-logs.txt | awk '{print $4}' | xargs s3cmd del

<li>Also, adjust the cron jobs for backups so they only backup <code>dspace.log</code> and some stats files (.dat)</li>
<li>Try to do some metadata field migrations using the Atmire batch UI (<code>dc.Species</code> → <code>cg.species</code>) but it took several hours and even missed a few records</li>

<h2 id="2016-04-06">2016-04-06</h2>

<li>A better way to move metadata on this scale is via SQL, for example <code>dc.type.output</code> → <code>dc.type</code> (their IDs in the metadatafieldregistry are 66 and 109, respectively):</li>

<pre><code>dspacetest=# update metadatavalue set metadata_field_id=109 where metadata_field_id=66;
UPDATE 40852

<li>After that an <code>index-discovery -bf</code> is required</li>
<li>Start working on metadata migrations, add 25 or so new metadata fields to CGSpace</li>

<h2 id="2016-04-07">2016-04-07</h2>

<li>Write shell script to do the migration of fields: <a href="https://gist.github.com/alanorth/72a70aca856d76f24c127a6e67b3342b">https://gist.github.com/alanorth/72a70aca856d76f24c127a6e67b3342b</a></li>
<li>Testing with a few fields it seems to work well:</li>

<pre><code>$ ./migrate-fields.sh
UPDATE metadatavalue SET metadata_field_id=109 WHERE metadata_field_id=66
UPDATE 40883
UPDATE metadatavalue SET metadata_field_id=202 WHERE metadata_field_id=72
UPDATE 21420
UPDATE metadatavalue SET metadata_field_id=203 WHERE metadata_field_id=76
UPDATE 51258

<h2 id="2016-04-08">2016-04-08</h2>

<li>Discuss metadata renaming with Abenet, we decided it&rsquo;s better to start with the center-specific subjects like ILRI, CIFOR, CCAFS, IWMI, and CPWF</li>
<li>I&rsquo;ve e-mailed CCAFS and CPWF people to ask them how much time it will take for them to update their systems to cope with this change</li>

<h2 id="2016-04-10">2016-04-10</h2>

<li>Looking at the DOI issue <a href="https://www.yammer.com/dspacedevelopers/#/Threads/show?threadId=678507860">reported by Leroy from CIAT a few weeks ago</a></li>
<li>It seems the <code>dx.doi.org</code> URLs are much more proper in our repository!</li>

<pre><code>dspacetest=# select count(*) from metadatavalue where metadata_field_id=74 and text_value like 'http://dx.doi.org%';
(1 row)

dspacetest=# select count(*) from metadatavalue where metadata_field_id=74 and text_value like 'http://doi.org%';

<li>I will manually edit the <code>dc.identifier.doi</code> in <a href="https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/72509?show=full"><sup>10568</sup>&frasl;<sub>72509</sub></a> and tweet the link, then check back in a week to see if the donut gets updated</li>

<h2 id="2016-04-11">2016-04-11</h2>

<li>The donut is already updated and shows the correct number now</li>
<li>CCAFS people say it will only take them an hour to update their code for the metadata renames, so I proposed we&rsquo;d do it tentatively on Monday the 18th.</li>

<h2 id="2016-04-12">2016-04-12</h2>

<li>Looking at quality of WLE data (<code>cg.subject.iwmi</code>) in SQL:</li>

<pre><code>dspacetest=# select text_value, count(*) from metadatavalue where metadata_field_id=217 group by text_value order by count(*) desc;

<li>Listings and Reports is still not returning reliable data for <code>dc.type</code></li>
<li>I think we need to ask Atmire, as their documentation isn&rsquo;t too clear on the format of the filter configs</li>
<li>Alternatively, I want to see if I move all the data from <code>dc.type.output</code> to <code>dc.type</code> and then re-index, if it behaves better</li>
<li>Looking at our <code>input-forms.xml</code> I see we have two sets of ILRI subjects, but one has a few extra subjects</li>
<li>Remove one set of ILRI subjects and remove duplicate <code>VALUE CHAINS</code> from existing list (<a href="https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/216">#216</a>)</li>
<li>I decided to keep the set of subjects that had <code>FMD</code> and <code>RANGELANDS</code> added, as it appears to have been requested to have been added, and might be the newer list</li>
<li>I found 226 blank metadatavalues:</li>

<pre><code>dspacetest# select * from metadatavalue where resource_type_id=2 and text_value='';

<li>I think we should delete them and do a full re-index:</li>

<pre><code>dspacetest=# delete from metadatavalue where resource_type_id=2 and text_value='';

<li>I deleted them on CGSpace but I&rsquo;ll wait to do the re-index as we&rsquo;re going to be doing one in a few days for the metadata changes anyways</li>
<li>In other news, moving the <code>dc.type.output</code> to <code>dc.type</code> and re-indexing seems to have fixed the Listings and Reports issue from above</li>
<li>Unfortunately this isn&rsquo;t a very good solution, because Listings and Reports config should allow us to filter on <code>dc.type.*</code> but the documentation isn&rsquo;t very clear and I couldn&rsquo;t reach Atmire today</li>
<li>We want to do the <code>dc.type.output</code> move on CGSpace anyways, but we should wait as it might affect other external people!</li>

<h2 id="2016-04-14">2016-04-14</h2>

<li>Communicate with Macaroni Bros again about <code>dc.type</code></li>
<li>Help Sisay with some rsync and Linux stuff</li>
<li>Notify CIAT people of metadata changes (I had forgotten them last week)</li>

<h2 id="2016-04-15">2016-04-15</h2>

<li>DSpace Test had crashed, so I ran all system updates, rebooted, and re-deployed DSpace code</li>

<h2 id="2016-04-18">2016-04-18</h2>

<li>Talk to CIAT people about their portal again</li>
<li>Start looking more at the fields we want to delete</li>
<li>The following metadata fields have 0 items using them, so we can just remove them from the registry and any references in XMLUI, input forms, etc:

<li>The following fields have some items using them and I have to decide what to do with them (delete or move):

<li>dc.icsubject.icrafsubject: 6 items, mostly in CPWF collections</li>
<li>dc.type.journal: 11 items, mostly in ILRI collections</li>
<li>dc.publicationcategory: 1 item, in CPWF</li>
<li>dc.GRP: 2 items, CPWF</li>
<li>dc.Species.animal: 6 items, in ILRI and AnGR</li>
<li>cg.livestock.agegroup: 9 items, in ILRI collections</li>
<li>cg.livestock.function: 20 items, mostly in EADD</li>
<li>Test metadata migration on local instance again:</li>

<pre><code>$ ./migrate-fields.sh
UPDATE metadatavalue SET metadata_field_id=109 WHERE metadata_field_id=66
UPDATE 40885
UPDATE metadatavalue SET metadata_field_id=203 WHERE metadata_field_id=76
UPDATE 51330
UPDATE metadatavalue SET metadata_field_id=208 WHERE metadata_field_id=82
UPDATE metadatavalue SET metadata_field_id=210 WHERE metadata_field_id=88
UPDATE metadatavalue SET metadata_field_id=215 WHERE metadata_field_id=106
UPDATE metadatavalue SET metadata_field_id=217 WHERE metadata_field_id=108
UPDATE 46075
$ JAVA_OPTS=&quot;-Xms512m -Xmx512m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8&quot; ~/dspace/bin/dspace index-discovery -bf

<li>CGSpace was down but I&rsquo;m not sure why, this was in <code>catalina.out</code>:</li>

<pre><code>Apr 18, 2016 7:32:26 PM com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponse logException
SEVERE: Mapped exception to response: 500 (Internal Server Error)
        at org.dspace.rest.Resource.processFinally(Resource.java:163)
        at org.dspace.rest.HandleResource.getObject(HandleResource.java:81)
        at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor198.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606)
        at com.sun.jersey.spi.container.JavaMethodInvokerFactory$1.invoke(JavaMethodInvokerFactory.java:60)
        at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.model.method.dispatch.AbstractResourceMethodDispatchProvider$TypeOutInvoker._dispatch(AbstractResourceMethodDispatchProvider.java:185)
        at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.model.method.dispatch.ResourceJavaMethodDispatcher.dispatch(ResourceJavaMethodDispatcher.java:75)
        at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.uri.rules.HttpMethodRule.accept(HttpMethodRule.java:302)
        at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.uri.rules.RightHandPathRule.accept(RightHandPathRule.java:147)
        at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.uri.rules.ResourceClassRule.accept(ResourceClassRule.java:108)
        at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.uri.rules.RightHandPathRule.accept(RightHandPathRule.java:147)
        at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.uri.rules.RootResourceClassesRule.accept(RootResourceClassesRule.java:84)
        at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl._handleRequest(WebApplicationImpl.java:1511)
        at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl._handleRequest(WebApplicationImpl.java:1442)
        at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl.handleRequest(WebApplicationImpl.java:1391)
        at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl.handleRequest(WebApplicationImpl.java:1381)
        at com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.WebComponent.service(WebComponent.java:416)

<li>Everything else in the system looked normal (50GB disk space available, nothing weird in dmesg, etc)</li>
<li>After restarting Tomcat a few more of these errors were logged but the application was up</li>

<h2 id="2016-04-19">2016-04-19</h2>

<li>Get handles for items that are using a given metadata field, ie <code>dc.Species.animal</code> (105):</li>

<pre><code># select handle from item, handle where handle.resource_id = item.item_id AND item.item_id in (select resource_id from metadatavalue where resource_type_id=2 and metadata_field_id=105);

<li>Delete metadata values for <code>dc.GRP</code> and <code>dc.icsubject.icrafsubject</code>:</li>

<pre><code># delete from metadatavalue where resource_type_id=2 and metadata_field_id=96;
# delete from metadatavalue where resource_type_id=2 and metadata_field_id=83;

<li>They are old ICRAF fields and we haven&rsquo;t used them since 2011 or so</li>
<li>Also delete them from the metadata registry</li>
<li>CGSpace went down again, <code>dspace.log</code> had this:</li>

<pre><code>2016-04-19 15:02:17,025 ERROR org.dspace.storage.rdbms.DatabaseManager @ SQL connection Error -
org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object

<li>I restarted Tomcat and PostgreSQL and now it&rsquo;s back up</li>
<li>I bet this is the same crash as yesterday, but I only saw the errors in <code>catalina.out</code></li>
<li>Looks to be related to this, from <code>dspace.log</code>:</li>

<pre><code>2016-04-19 15:16:34,670 ERROR org.dspace.rest.Resource @ Something get wrong. Aborting context in finally statement.

<li>We have 18,000 of these errors right now&hellip;</li>
<li>Delete a few more old metadata values: <code>dc.Species.animal</code>, <code>dc.type.journal</code>, and <code>dc.publicationcategory</code>:</li>

<pre><code># delete from metadatavalue where resource_type_id=2 and metadata_field_id=105;
# delete from metadatavalue where resource_type_id=2 and metadata_field_id=85;
# delete from metadatavalue where resource_type_id=2 and metadata_field_id=95;

<li>And then remove them from the metadata registry</li>

<h2 id="2016-04-20">2016-04-20</h2>

<li>Re-deploy DSpace Test with the new subject and type fields, run all system updates, and reboot the server</li>
<li>Migrate fields and re-deploy CGSpace with the new subject and type fields, run all system updates, and reboot the server</li>
<li>Field migration went well:</li>

<pre><code>$ ./migrate-fields.sh
UPDATE metadatavalue SET metadata_field_id=109 WHERE metadata_field_id=66
UPDATE 40909
UPDATE metadatavalue SET metadata_field_id=203 WHERE metadata_field_id=76
UPDATE 51419
UPDATE metadatavalue SET metadata_field_id=208 WHERE metadata_field_id=82
UPDATE metadatavalue SET metadata_field_id=210 WHERE metadata_field_id=88
UPDATE metadatavalue SET metadata_field_id=215 WHERE metadata_field_id=106
UPDATE metadatavalue SET metadata_field_id=217 WHERE metadata_field_id=108
UPDATE 46075

<li>Also, I migrated CGSpace to using the PGDG PostgreSQL repo as the infrastructure playbooks had been using it for a while and it seemed to be working well</li>
<li>Basically, this gives us the ability to use the latest upstream stable 9.3.x release (currently 9.3.12)</li>
<li>Looking into the REST API errors again, it looks like these started appearing a few days ago in the tens of thousands:</li>

<pre><code>$ grep -c &quot;Aborting context in finally statement&quot; dspace.log.2016-04-20

<li>I found a recent discussion on the DSpace mailing list and I&rsquo;ve asked for advice there</li>
<li>Looks like this issue was noted and fixed in DSpace 5.5 (we&rsquo;re on 5.1): <a href="https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-2936">https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-2936</a></li>
<li>I&rsquo;ve sent a message to Atmire asking about compatibility with DSpace 5.5</li>

<h2 id="2016-04-21">2016-04-21</h2>

<li>Fix a bunch of metadata consistency issues with IITA Journal Articles (Peer review, Formally published, messed up DOIs, etc)</li>
<li>Atmire responded with DSpace 5.5 compatible versions for their modules, so I&rsquo;ll start testing those in a few weeks</li>

<h2 id="2016-04-22">2016-04-22</h2>

<li>Import 95 records into <a href="https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/42219">CTA&rsquo;s Agrodok collection</a></li>

<h2 id="2016-04-26">2016-04-26</h2>

<li>Test embargo during item upload</li>
<li>Seems to be working but the help text is misleading as to the date format</li>
<li>It turns out the <code>robots.txt</code> issue we thought we solved last month isn&rsquo;t solved because you can&rsquo;t use wildcards in URL patterns: <a href="https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-2962">https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-2962</a></li>
<li>Write some nginx rules to add <code>X-Robots-Tag</code> HTTP headers to the dynamic requests from <code>robots.txt</code> instead</li>
<li>A few URLs to test with:

<li><a href="https://dspacetest.cgiar.org/handle/10568/440/browse?type=bioversity">https://dspacetest.cgiar.org/handle/10568/440/browse?type=bioversity</a></li>
<li><a href="https://dspacetest.cgiar.org/handle/10568/913/discover">https://dspacetest.cgiar.org/handle/10568/913/discover</a></li>
<li><a href="https://dspacetest.cgiar.org/handle/10568/1/search-filter?filtertype_0=country&amp;filter_0=VIETNAM&amp;filter_relational_operator_0=equals&amp;field=country">https://dspacetest.cgiar.org/handle/10568/1/search-filter?filtertype_0=country&amp;filter_0=VIETNAM&amp;filter_relational_operator_0=equals&amp;field=country</a></li>

<h2 id="2016-04-27">2016-04-27</h2>

<li>I woke up to ten or fifteen &ldquo;up&rdquo; and &ldquo;down&rdquo; emails from the monitoring website</li>
<li>Looks like the last one was &ldquo;down&rdquo; from about four hours ago</li>
<li>I think there must be something with this REST stuff:</li>

<pre><code># grep -c &quot;Aborting context in finally statement&quot; dspace.log.2016-04-*

<li>I restarted tomcat and it is back up</li>
<li>Add Spanish XMLUI strings so those users see &ldquo;CGSpace&rdquo; instead of &ldquo;DSpace&rdquo; in the user interface (<a href="https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/222">#222</a>)</li>
<li>Submit patch to upstream DSpace for the misleading help text in the embargo step of the item submission: <a href="https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-3172">https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-3172</a></li>
<li>Update infrastructure playbooks for nginx 1.10.x (stable) release: <a href="https://github.com/ilri/rmg-ansible-public/issues/32">https://github.com/ilri/rmg-ansible-public/issues/32</a></li>
<li>Currently running on DSpace Test, we&rsquo;ll give it a few days before we adjust CGSpace</li>
<li>CGSpace down, restarted tomcat and it&rsquo;s back up</li>

<h2 id="2016-04-28">2016-04-28</h2>

<li>Problems with stability again. I&rsquo;ve blocked access to <code>/rest</code> for now to see if the number of errors in the log files drop</li>
<li>Later we could maybe start logging access to <code>/rest</code> and perhaps whitelist some IPs&hellip;</li>

<h2 id="2016-04-30">2016-04-30</h2>

<li>Logs for today and yesterday have zero references to this REST error, so I&rsquo;m going to open back up the REST API but log all requests</li>

<pre><code>location /rest {
	access_log /var/log/nginx/rest.log;

<li>I will check the logs again in a few days to look for patterns, see who is accessing it, etc</li>




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