November, 2019
Peter noticed that there were 5.2 million hits on CGSpace in 2019-10 according to the Atmire usage statistics
I looked in the nginx logs and see 4.6 million in the access logs, and 1.2 million in the API logs:
# zcat --force /var/log/nginx/*access.log.*.gz | grep -cE "[0-9]{1,2}/Oct/2019" 4671942 # zcat --force /var/log/nginx/{rest,oai,statistics}.log.*.gz | grep -cE "[0-9]{1,2}/Oct/2019" 1277694
So 4.6 million from XMLUI and another 1.2 million from API requests
Let’s see how many of the REST API requests were for bitstreams (because they are counted in Solr stats):
# zcat --force /var/log/nginx/rest.log.*.gz | grep -c -E "[0-9]{1,2}/Oct/2019" 1183456 # zcat --force /var/log/nginx/rest.log.*.gz | grep -E "[0-9]{1,2}/Oct/2019" | grep -c -E "/rest/bitstreams" 106781
The types of requests in the access logs are (by lazily extracting the sixth field in the nginx log)
# zcat --force /var/log/nginx/*access.log.*.gz | grep -E "[0-9]{1,2}/Oct/2019" | awk '{print $6}' | sed 's/"//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n 1 PUT 8 PROPFIND 283 OPTIONS 30102 POST 46581 HEAD 4594967 GET
Two very active IPs are and, which made over 360,000 requests in October:
# zcat --force /var/log/nginx/*access.log.*.gz | grep -E "[0-9]{1,2}/Oct/2019" | grep -c -E '(34\.224\.4\.16|34\.234\.204\.152)' 365288
Their user agent is one I’ve never seen before:
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonbot/0.1; +
Most of them seem to be to community or collection discover and browse results pages like
zcat –force /var/log/nginx/access.log..gz | grep -E “[0-9]{1,2}/Oct/2019” | grep Amazonbot | grep -o -E “GET /(bitstream|discover|handle)” | sort | uniq -c
6566 GET /bitstream 351928 GET /handle
zcat –force /var/log/nginx/access.log..gz | grep -E “[0-9]{1,2}/Oct/2019” | grep Amazonbot | grep -E “GET /(bitstream|discover|handle)” | grep -c discover
zcat –force /var/log/nginx/access.log..gz | grep -E “[0-9]{1,2}/Oct/2019” | grep Amazonbot | grep -E “GET /(bitstream|discover|handle)” | grep -c browse
- As far as I can tell, none of their requests are counted in the Solr statistics:
$ http –print b ‘http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics/select?q=(ip%3A34.224.4.16+OR+ip%3A34.234.204.152)&rows=0&wt=json&indent=true'
- Still, those requests are CPU intensive so I will add their user agent to the "badbots" rate limiting in nginx to reduce the impact on server load
- After deploying it I checked by setting my user agent to Amazonbot and making a few requests (which were denied with HTTP 503):
$ http –print Hh ‘' User-Agent:“Amazonbot/0.1”
- On the topic of spiders, I have been wanting to update DSpace's default list of spiders in `config/spiders/agents`, perhaps by dropping a new list in from [Atmire's COUNTER-Robots]( project
- First I checked for a user agent that is in COUNTER-Robots, but NOT in the current `dspace/config/spiders/example` list
- Then I made some item and bitstream requests on DSpace Test using that user agent:
$ http –print Hh ‘' User-Agent:“iskanie” $ http –print Hh ‘' User-Agent:“iskanie” $ http –print Hh ‘' User-Agent:“iskanie”
- A bit later I checked Solr and found three requests from my IP with that user agent this month:
$ http –print b ‘http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics/select?q=ip:'
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
- Now I want to make similar requests with a user agent that is included in DSpace's current user agent list:
$ http –print Hh ‘' User-Agent:“celestial” $ http –print Hh ‘' User-Agent:“celestial” $ http –print Hh ‘' User-Agent:“celestial”
- After twenty minutes I didn't see any requests in Solr, so I assume they did not get logged because they matched a bot list...
- What's strange is that the Solr spider agent configuration in `dspace/config/modules/solr-statistics.cfg` points to a file that doesn't exist...
spider.agentregex.regexfile = ${dspace.dir}/config/spiders/Bots-2013-03.txt
- Apparently that is part of Atmire's CUA, despite being in a standard DSpace configuration file...
- I tried with some other garbage user agents like "fuuuualan" and they were visible in Solr
- Now I want to try adding "iskanie" and "fuuuualan" to the list of spider regexes in `dspace/config/spiders/example` and then try to use DSpace's "mark spiders" feature to change them to "isBot:true" in Solr
- I restarted Tomcat and ran `dspace stats-util -m` and it did some stuff for awhile, but I still don't see any items in Solr with `isBot:true`
- According to `dspace-api/src/main/java/org/dspace/statistics/util/` the patterns for user agents are loaded from any file in the `config/spiders/agents` directory
- I downloaded the COUNTER-Robots list to DSpace Test and overwrote the example file, then ran `dspace stats-util -m` and still there were no new items marked as being bots in Solr, so I think there is still something wrong
- Jesus, the code in `./dspace-api/src/main/java/org/dspace/statistics/util/` says that `stats-util -m` marks spider requests by their IPs, not by their user agents... WTF:
else if (line.hasOption(’m’)) { SolrLogger.markRobotsByIP(); }
- WTF again, there is actually a function called `markRobotByUserAgent()` that is never called anywhere!
- It appears to be unimplemented...
- I sent a message to the dspace-tech mailing list to ask if I should file an issue
## 2019-11-05
- I added "alanfuu2" to the example spiders file, restarted Tomcat, then made two requests to DSpace Test:
$ http –print Hh ‘' User-Agent:“alanfuuu1” $ http –print Hh ‘' User-Agent:“alanfuuu2”
- After committing the changes in Solr I saw one request for "alanfuu1" and no requests for "alanfuu2":
$ http –print b ‘http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics/update?commit=true'
$ http –print b ‘http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics/select?q=userAgent:alanfuuu1&fq=dateYearMonth%3A2019-11' | xmllint –format - | grep numFound
- So basically it seems like a win to update the example file with the latest one from Atmire's COUNTER-Robots list
- Even though the "mark by user agent" function is not working (see email to dspace-tech mailing list) DSpace will still not log Solr events from these user agents
- I'm curious how the special character matching is in Solr, so I will test two requests: one with "" which is in the spider list, and one with "" which isn't:
$ http –print Hh ‘' User-Agent:“” $ http –print Hh ‘' User-Agent:“”
- Then commit changes to Solr so we don't have to wait:
$ http –print b ‘http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics/update?commit=true'
$ http –print b ‘http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics/select?' | xmllint –format - | grep numFound
- So the blocking seems to be working because "www\.gnip\.com" is one of the new patterns added to the spiders file...
## 2019-11-07
- CCAFS finally confirmed that they do indeed need the confusing new project tag that looks like a duplicate
- They had proposed a batch of new tags in 2019-09 and we never merged them due to this uncertainty
- I have now merged the changes in to the `5_x-prod` branch ([#432](
- I am reconsidering the move of `cg.identifier.dataurl` to `cg.hasMetadata` in CG Core v2
- The values of this field are mostly links to data sets on Dataverse and partner sites
- I opened an [issue on GitHub]( to ask Marie-Angelique for clarification
- Looking into CGSpace statistics again
- I searched for hits in Solr from the BUbiNG bot and found 63,000 in the `statistics-2018` core:
$ http –print b ‘http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics-2018/select?facet=true&facet.field=ip&facet.mincount=1&type:0&q=userAgent:BUbiNG*' | xmllint –format - | grep numFound
- Similar for com.plumanalytics, Grammarly, and ltx71!
$ http –print b ‘http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics-2018/select?facet=true&facet.field=ip&facet.mincount=1&type:0&q=userAgent:
com.plumanalytics’ | xmllint –format - | grep numFound
- Deleting these seems to work, for example the 105,000 ltx71 records from 2018:
$ http –print b ‘http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics-2018/update?stream.body=
- I wrote a quick bash script to check all these user agents against the CGSpace Solr statistics cores
- For years 2010 until 2019 there are 1.6 million hits from these spider user agents
- For 2019 alone there are 740,000, over half of which come from Unpaywall!
- Looking at the facets I see there were about 200,000 hits from Unpaywall in 2019-10:
$ curl -s ‘http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics/select?facet=true&facet.field=dateYearMonth&facet.mincount=1&facet.offset=0&facet.limit=
12&q=userAgent:Unpaywall’ | xmllint –format - | less
- That answers Peter's question about why the stats jumped in October...
## 2019-11-08
- I saw a bunch of user agents that have the literal string `User-Agent` in their user agent HTTP header, for example:
- `User-Agent: Drupal (+`
- `User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.64 Safari/537.31`
- `User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0) IKU/;IKUCID/IKU;`
- `User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; 360SE)`
- `User-Agent:User-Agent:Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB7.5; .NET4.0C)IKU/;IKUCID/IKU;IKU/;IKUCID/IKU;`
- `User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0) IKU/;IKUCID/IKU;`
- I filed [an issue]( on the COUNTER-Robots project to see if they agree to add `User-Agent:` to the list of robot user agents
## 2019-11-09
- Deploy the latest `5_x-prod` branch on CGSpace (linode19)
- This includes the updated CCAFS phase II project tags and the updated spider user agents
- Run all system updates on CGSpace and reboot the server
- After rebooting it seems that all Solr statistics cores came back up fine...
- I did some work to clean up my bot processing script and removed about 2 million hits from the statistics cores on CGSpace
- The script is called ``
- After a bunch of tests and checks I ran it for each statistics shard like so:
$ for shard in statistics statistics-2018 statistics-2017 statistics-2016 statistics-2015 stat istics-2014 statistics-2013 statistics-2012 statistics-2011 statistics-2010; do ./ -s $shard -p yes; done
- Open a [pull request]( against COUNTER-Robots to remove unnecessary escaping of dashes
## 2019-11-12
- Udana and Chandima emailed me to ask why [one of their WLE items]( that is mapped from IWMI only shows up in the IWMI "department" on the Altmetric dashboard
- A [search in the IWMI department shows the item](
- A [search in the WLE department shows no results](
- I emailed Altmetric support to ask for help
- Also, while analysing this, I looked through some of the other top WLE items and fixed some metadata issues (adding `dc.rights`, fixing DOIs, adding ISSNs, etc) and noticed one issue with [an item]( that has an Altmetric score for its Handle (lower) despite it having a correct DOI (with a higher score)
- I tweeted the Handle to see if the score would get linked once Altmetric noticed it
## 2019-11-13
- The [item with a low Altmetric score for its Handle]( that I tweeted yesterday still hasn't linked with the DOI's score
- I tweeted it again with the Handle and the DOI
- Testing modifying some of the COUNTER-Robots patterns to use `[0-9]` instead of `\d` digit character type, as Solr's regex search can't use those
$ http –print Hh ‘' User-Agent:“Scrapoo/1”
$ http “http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics/update?commit=true"
$ http “http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics/select?q=userAgent:Scrapoo*" | xmllint –format - | grep numFound
- Nice, so searching with regex in Solr with `//` syntax works for those digits!
- I realized that it's easier to search Solr from curl via POST using this syntax:
$ curl -s “http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics/select" -d “q=userAgent:Scrapoo&rows=0”)
- If the parameters include something like "[0-9]" then curl interprets it as a range and will make ten requests
- You can disable this using the `-g` option, but there are other benefits to searching with POST, for example it seems that I have less issues with escaping special parameters when using Solr's regex search:
$ curl -s ‘http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics/select' -d ‘q=userAgent:/Postgenomic(\s|+)v2/&rows=2’ ```
- I updated the
script to use the POST syntax, and I’m evaluating the feasability of including the regex search patterns from the spider agent file, as I had been filtering them out due to differences in PCRE and Solr regex syntax and issues with shell handling