--- title: "April, 2024" date: 2024-04-04T10:23:00+03:00 author: "Alan Orth" categories: ["Notes"] --- ## 2024-04-04 - Work on CGSpace duplicate DOIs more ## 2024-04-08 - Start working on IFPRI's 2022 batch import - I ran the duplicate checker against CGSpace and started downloading all linked PDFs ## 2024-04-09 - Continue working on IFPRI's 2022 batch import - I started validating the potential duplicates in OpenRefine ## 2024-04-12 - Finish working on the 650 IFPRI 2022 records that were not already on CGSpace, then uploaded them - I need to merge the metadata for the remaining 212 that are already on CGSpace - Spend some time looking at duplicate DOIs again... ## 2024-04-13 - Spend some time looking at duplicate DOIs again... ## 2024-04-14 - Spend some time looking at duplicate DOIs again... ## 2024-04-15 - Spend some time looking at duplicate DOIs again... - Delete ~260 duplicate metadata values using the elaborate SQL and sort method I documented here: https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/issues/8253#issuecomment-1331756418 - Tony noticed that the DSpace 7 REST API is very slow with the embeds so I profiled a bit: ``` $ time curl -s -o /dev/null 'https://cgspace.cgiar.org/server/api/discover/search/objects?query=cg.identifier.project%3AIFPRI*&scope=8f1e9650-fe87-4e6e-889a-1cacfb747408&page=0&size=100&embed=thumbnail,bundles/bitstreams&sort=dcterms.issued,desc' curl -s -o /dev/null 0.01s user 0.01s system 0% cpu 47.515 total $ time curl -s -o /dev/null 'https://cgspace.cgiar.org/server/api/discover/search/objects?query=cg.identifier.project%3AIFPRI*&scope=8f1e9650-fe87-4e6e-889a-1cacfb747408&page=0&size=100&sort=dcterms.issued,desc' curl -s -o /dev/null 0.01s user 0.01s system 0% cpu 4.764 total ``` - Finalize processing the remaining 206 items from the IFPRI 2022 batch set that already existed on CGSpace - I merged metadata with the existing items - There are still six remaining items that I identified as being duplicates (3x2) in the IFPRI set itself ## 2024-04-16 - Spend some time looking at duplicate DOIs again... - Assist Deborah with an advanced query on CGSpace for biodiversity and health: ``` dcterms.issued:[2010 TO 2024] AND dcterms.type:"Journal Article" AND (dc.title:"biodiversity" OR dcterms.subject:"biodiversity" OR dc.title:"health" OR dcterms.subject:"health") ``` - Remove CIMMYT URLs and citations from 277 journal articles on CGSpace since it is a bit tacky - I used this Jython expression in OpenRefine with [Crossref's content negotiation](https://citation.crosscite.org/docs.html) to get citations for all DOIs: ```python import urllib2 doi = cells['cg.identifier.doi[en_US]'].value url = "https://api.crossref.org/works/" + doi + "/transform/text/x-bibliography" useragent = "Python (mailto:a.o@cgiar.org)" request = urllib2.Request(url.encode("utf-8"), headers={"User-Agent" : useragent}) get = urllib2.urlopen(request) return get.read().decode('utf-8') ``` - It took ten or so minutes for it to finish (and note this is Python 2 inside OpenRefine so I had to be careful with Unicode), but worked well! ## 2024-04-18 - Write a SQL query to build the IFPRI CONTENTdm redirects to Handles: ```sql SELECT m.text_value, h.handle FROM metadatavalue m JOIN handle h on m.dspace_object_id = h.resource_id WHERE m.metadata_field_id=28 AND m.text_value LIKE 'Original URL%' AND h.resource_type_id=2; ``` - Similarly, I need a SQL query to get the redirects for duplicate Handles, querying for `dcterms.replaces`: ```sql SELECT m.text_value AS handle_from, h.handle AS handle_to FROM metadatavalue m JOIN handle h on m.dspace_object_id = h.resource_id WHERE m.metadata_field_id=181 AND h.resource_type_id=2; ``` - Then I can work that list into an nginx map with redirect, for example: ```console server { ... if ($new_uri) { return 301 $new_uri; } } map $request_uri $new_uri { /handle/10568/112821 /handle/10568/97605; } ``` ## 2024-04-19 - Spend some time looking at duplicate DOIs again... - Refresh ORCID identifiers from ORCID API and update CGSpace metadata and controlled vocabulary ## 2024-04-20 - I read an [interesting thread about DOI casing](https://github.com/greenelab/scihub/issues/9) - Apparently the DOI specification says ASCII characters in DOIs are case insensitive - Indeed, [Crossref recommends lower case](https://www.crossref.org/documentation/member-setup/constructing-your-dois/) for all DOIs - I was curious about the DOIs in our database so I checked before and after lower casing: ```console localhost/dspace7= ☘ \COPY (SELECT DISTINCT(text_value) FROM metadatavalue WHERE dspace_object_id IN (SELECT uuid FROM item) AND metadata_field_id=220 AND text_value IS NOT NULL AND text_value !='') TO /tmp/dois-sql-before.txt; COPY 25675 localhost/dspace7= ☘ \COPY (SELECT DISTINCT(lower(text_value)) FROM metadatavalue WHERE dspace_object_id IN (SELECT uuid FROM item) AND metadata_field_id=220 AND text_value IS NOT NULL AND text_value !='') TO /tmp/dois-sql-after.txt; COPY 25666 ``` - I need to investigate options for lower casing these in the repository, for example in a curation task, and in all workflows around DSpace metadata... ## 2024-04-23 - Spent some time writing a Java curation task to normalize DOIs in items when they enter the workflow edit step - The workflow curation tasks are not documented very well but I got a basic configuration working - I found a bug in DSpace curation tasks and discussed on Slack - I finalized the `NormalizeDOIs` curation task and released v7.6.1.1 of the [cgspace-java-helpers](https://github.com/ilri/cgspace-java-helpers) project ## 2024-04-24 - A bit more testing of the curation tasks - I tested a patch by Mark Wood - I added support for normalizing DOIs to this same format to my [csv-metadata-quality](https://github.com/ilri/csv-metadata-quality) project ## 2024-04-25 - I lowercased the remaining 3,900 DOIs on CGSpace that had uppercase ASCII characters