+++ date = "2017-07-01T18:03:52+03:00" author = "Alan Orth" title = "July, 2017" tags = ["Notes"] +++ ## 2017-07-01 - Run system updates and reboot DSpace Test ## 2017-07-04 - Merge changes for WLE Phase II theme rename ([#329](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/329)) - Looking at extracting the metadata registries from ICARDA's MEL DSpace database so we can compare fields with CGSpace - We can use PostgreSQL's extended output format (`-x`) plus `sed` to format the output into quasi XML: ``` $ psql dspacenew -x -c 'select element, qualifier, scope_note from metadatafieldregistry where metadata_schema_id=5 order by element, qualifier;' | sed -r 's:^-\[ RECORD (.*) \]-+$:\n:;s:([^ ]*) +\| (.*): <\1>\2:;s:^$::;1s:\n::' ``` - The `sed` script is from a post on the [PostgreSQL mailing list](https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/437E44A5.508%40ultimeth.com)