CGSpace Notes

October, 2016


  • Testing adding ORCIDs to a CSV file for a single item to see if the author orders get messed up
  • Need to test the following scenarios to see how author order is affected:
    • ORCIDs only
    • ORCIDs plus normal authors
  • I exported a random item’s metadata as CSV, deleted all columns except id and collection, and made a new coloum called with the following random ORCIDs from the ORCID registry:
  • Hmm, with the column removed, DSpace doesn’t detect any changes
  • With a blank column, DSpace wants to remove all non-ORCID authors and add the new ORCID authors
  • I added the disclaimer text to the About page, then added a footer link to the disclaimer’s ID, but there is a Bootstrap issue that causes the page content to disappear when using in-page anchors:

Bootstrap issue with in-page anchors

  • Looks like we’ll just have to add the text to the About page (without a link) or add a separate page