--- title: "October, 2024" date: 2024-10-03T11:01:00+03:00 author: "Alan Orth" categories: ["Notes"] --- ## 2024-10-03 - I had an idea to get abstracts from OpenAlex - For [copyright reasons they don't include plain abstracts](https://docs.openalex.org/api-entities/works/work-object#abstract_inverted_index), but the [pyalex](https://github.com/J535D165/pyalex) library can convert them on the fly - I filtered for journal articles that were Creative Commons and missing abstracts: ```console $ csvcut -c 'id,dc.title[en_US],dcterms.abstract[en_US],cg.identifier.doi[en_US],dcterms.type[en_US],dcterms.language[en_US],dcterms.license[en_US]' ~/Downloads/2024-09-30-cgspace.csv | csvgrep -c 'dcterms.type[en_US]' -r '^Journal Article$' | csvgrep -c 'cg.identifier.doi[en_US]' -r '^.+$' | csvgrep -c 'dcterms.license[en_US]' -r '^CC-' | csvgrep -c 'dcterms.abstract[en_US]' -r '^$' | csvgrep -c 'dcterms.language[en_US]' -r '^en$' | grep -v "||" | grep -v -- '-ND' | grep -v -E 'https://doi.org/10.(2499|4160|17528)/' > /tmp/missing-abstracts.csv ``` - Then wrote a script to get them from OpenAlex - After inspecting and cleaning a few dozen up in OpenRefine (removing "Keywords:" and copyright, and HTML entities, etc) I managed to get about 440 ## 2024-10-06 - Since I increase Solr's heap from 2 to 3G a few weeks ago it seems like Solr is always using 100% CPU - I don't understand this because it was running well before, and I only increased it in anticipation of running the dspace-statistics-api-js, though never got around to it - I just realized that this may be related to the JMX monitoring, as I've seen gaps in the Grafana dashboards and remember that it took surprisingly long to scrape the metrics - Maybe I need to change the scrape interval ## 2024-10-08 - I checked the VictoriaMetrics vmagent dashboard and saw that there were thousands of errors scraping the `jvm_solr` target from Solr - So it seems like I do need to change the scrape interval - I will increase it from 15s (global) to 20s for that job - Reading some documentation I found [this reference from Brian Brazil that discusses this very problem](https://www.robustperception.io/keep-it-simple-scrape_interval-id/) - He recommends keeping a single scrape interval for all targets, but also checking the slow exporter (`jmx_exporter` in this case) and seeing if we can limit the data we scrape - To keep things simple for now I will increase the global scrape interval to 20s - Long term I should limit the metrics... - Oh wow, I found out that [Solr ships with a Prometheus exporter!](https://solr.apache.org/guide/8_11/monitoring-solr-with-prometheus-and-grafana.html) and even includes a Grafana dashboard - I'm trying to run the Solr prometheus-exporter as a one-off systemd unit to test it: ```console # cd /opt/solr-8.11.3/contrib/prometheus-exporter # systemd-run --uid=victoriametrics --gid=victoriametrics --working-directory=/opt/solr-8.11.3/contrib/prometheus-exporter ./bin/solr-exporter -p 9854 -b http://localhost:8983/solr -f ./conf/solr-exporter-config.xml -s 20 ``` - The default scrape interval is 60 seconds, so if we scrape it more than that the metrics will be stale - From what I've seen this returns in less than one second so it should be safe to reduce the scrape interval