+++ date = "2016-07-01T10:53:00+03:00" author = "Alan Orth" title = "July, 2016" tags = ["notes"] image = "../images/bg.jpg" +++ ## 2016-07-01 - Add `dc.description.sponsorship` to Discovery sidebar facets and make investors clickable in item view ([#232](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/issues/232)) - I think this query should find and replace all authors that have "," at the end of their names: ``` dspacetest=# update metadatavalue set text_value = regexp_replace(text_value, '(^.+?),$', '\1') where metadata_field_id=3 and text_value ~ '^.+?,$'; UPDATE 95 dspacetest=# select text_value from metadatavalue where metadata_field_id=3 and text_value ~ '^.+?,$'; text_value ------------ (0 rows) ``` - In this case the select query was showing 95 results before the update ## 2016-07-02 - Comment on DSpace Jira ticket about author lookup search text ([DS-2329](https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-2329))