CGSpace Notes

Documenting day-to-day work on the CGSpace repository.

February, 2019


  • Linode has alerted a few times since last night that the CPU usage on CGSpace (linode18) was high despite me increasing the alert threshold last week from 250% to 275%—I might need to increase it again!
  • The Solr statistics the past few months have been very high and I was wondering if the web server logs also showed an increase
  • There were just over 3 million accesses in the nginx logs last month:
# time zcat --force /var/log/nginx/* | grep -cE "[0-9]{1,2}/Jan/2019"

real    0m19.873s
user    0m22.203s
sys     0m1.979s
  • Normally I’d say this was very high, but about this time last year I remember thinking the same thing when we had 3.1 million…
  • I will have to keep an eye on this to see if there is some error in Solr…