--- title: "May, 2018" date: 2018-05-01T16:43:54+03:00 author: "Alan Orth" tags: ["Notes"] --- ## 2018-05-01 - I cleared the Solr statistics core on DSpace Test by issuing two commands directly to the Solr admin interface: - http://localhost:3000/solr/statistics/update?stream.body=%3Cdelete%3E%3Cquery%3E*:*%3C/query%3E%3C/delete%3E - http://localhost:3000/solr/statistics/update?stream.body=%3Ccommit/%3E - Then I reduced the JVM heap size from 6144 back to 5120m - Also, I switched it to use OpenJDK instead of Oracle Java, as well as re-worked the [Ansible infrastructure scripts](https://github.com/ilri/rmg-ansible-public) to support hosts choosing which distribution they want to use ## 2018-05-02 - Advise Fabio Fidanza about integrating CGSpace content in the new CGIAR corporate website - I think they can mostly rely on using the `cg.contributor.crp` field - Looking over some IITA records for Sisay - Other than trimming and collapsing consecutive whitespace, I made some other corrections - I need to check the correct formatting of COTE D'IVOIRE vs COTE D’IVOIRE - I replaced all DOIs with HTTPS - I checked a few DOIs and found at least one that was missing, so I Googled the title of the paper and found the correct DOI - Also, I found an [FAQ for DOI that says the `dx.doi.org` syntax is older](https://www.doi.org/factsheets/DOI_PURL.html), so I will replace all the DOIs with `doi.org` instead - I found five records with "ISI Jounal" instead of "ISI Journal" - I found one item with IITA subject "." - Need to remember to check the facets for things like this in sponsorship: - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit - Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit - Eight records with language "fn" instead of "fr" - One incorrect type (lowercase "proceedings"): Conference proceedings - Found some capitalized CRPs in `cg.contributor.crp` - Found some incorrect author affiliations, ie "Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement Agricolc" should be "Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement *Agricole*" - Wow, and for sponsors there are the following: - Incorrect: Flemish Agency for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance - Incorrect: Flemish Organization for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance - Correct: Flemish *Association* for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance - One item had region "WEST" (I corrected it to "WEST AFRICA")