June, 2016


dspacetest=# update metadatavalue set metadata_field_id=130 where metadata_field_id=75 and (text_value like 'PN%' or text_value like 'PHASE%' or text_value = 'CBA' or text_value = 'IA');
dspacetest=# update metadatavalue set metadata_field_id=29 where metadata_field_id=75;
  • Fix a few minor miscellaneous issues in dspace.cfg (#227)


  • Testing the configuration and theme changes for the upcoming metadata migration and I found some issues with cg.coverage.admin-unit
  • Seems that the Browse configuration in dspace.cfg can’t handle the ‘-’ in the field name:
webui.browse.index.12 = subregion:metadata:cg.coverage.admin-unit:text
  • But actually, I think since DSpace 4 or 5 (we are 5.1) the Browse indexes come from Discovery (defined in discovery.xml) so this is really just a parsing error
  • I’ve sent a message to the DSpace mailing list to ask about the Browse index definition
  • A user was having problems with submission and from the stacktrace it looks like a Sherpa/Romeo issue
  • I found a thread on the mailing list talking about it and there is bug report and a patch: https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-2740
  • The patch applies successfully on DSpace 5.1 so I will try it later