CGSpace Notes

Documenting day-to-day work on the CGSpace repository.

November, 2020


  • Continue with processing the statistics-2019 Solr core with the AtomicStatisticsUpdateCLI tool on DSpace Test
    • So far we’ve spent at least fifty hours to process the statistics and statistics-2019 core… wow.


  • Talk to Moayad and fix a few issues on OpenRXV:
    • Incorrect views and downloads (caused by Elasticsearch’s default result set size of 10)
    • Invalid share link
    • Missing “https://” for Handles in the Simple Excel report (caused by using the handle instead of the uri)
    • Sorting the list of items by views
  • I resumed the processing of the statistics-2018 Solr core after it spent 20 hours to get to 60%


  • After 29 hours the statistics-2017 core finished processing so I started the statistics-2016 core on DSpace Test


  • Peter sent me corrections and deletions for the author affiliations
    • I quickly proofed them for UTF-8 issues in OpenRefine and csv-metadata-quality and then tested them locally and then applied them on CGSpace:
$ ./ -i 2020-11-05-fix-862-affiliations.csv -db dspace -u dspace -p 'fuuu' -f cg.contributor.affiliation -t 'correct' -m 211
$ ./ -i 2020-11-05-delete-29-affiliations.csv -db dspace -u dspace -p 'fuuu' -f cg.contributor.affiliation -m 211
  • Then I started a Discovery re-index on CGSpace:
$ time chrt -b 0 ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n19 dspace index-discovery -b

real    92m24.993s
user    8m11.858s
sys     2m26.931s


  • Restart the AtomicStatisticsUpdateCLI processing of the statistics-2016 core on DSpace Test after 20 hours…
    • This phase finished after five hours so I started it on the statistics-2015 core


  • Atmire responded about the issue with duplicate values in owningComm and containerCommunity etc
    • I told them to please look into it and use some of our credits if need be
  • The statistics-2015 core finished after 20 hours so I started the statistics-2014 core


  • Add “Data Paper” to types on CGSpace
  • Add “ANDEAN ROOTS AND TUBERS” to CIP subjects on CGSpace
  • Add CGIAR System subjects to Discovery sidebar facets on CGSpace
    • Also add the System subject to item view on CGSpace
  • The statistics-2014 core finished processing after five hours, so I started processing the statistics-2013 core on DSpace Test
  • Since I was going to restart CGSpace and update the Discovery indexes anyways I decided to check for any straggling upper case AGROVOC entries and lower case them:
dspace=# BEGIN;
dspace=# UPDATE metadatavalue SET text_value=LOWER(text_value) WHERE resource_type_id=2 AND metadata_field_id=57 AND text_value ~ '[[:upper:]]';
dspace=# COMMIT;
  • Run system updates on CGSpace (linode18) and reboot it
    • I had to restart Tomcat once after the machine started up to get all Solr statistics cores to load properly