--- title: "September, 2020" date: 2020-09-02T15:35:54+03:00 author: "Alan Orth" categories: ["Notes"] --- ## 2020-09-02 - Replace Marissa van Epp for Rhys Bucknall in the CCAFS groups on CGSpace because Marissa no longer works at CCAFS - The AReS Explorer hasn't updated its index since 2020-08-22 when I last forced it - I restarted it again now and told Moayad that the automatic indexing isn't working - Add `Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT` to affiliations on CGSpace - Abenet told me that the general search text on AReS doesn't get reset when you use the "Reset Filters" button - I filed a bug on OpenRXV: https://github.com/ilri/OpenRXV/issues/39 - I filed an issue on OpenRXV to make some minor edits to the admin UI: https://github.com/ilri/OpenRXV/issues/40 - I ran the country code tagger on CGSpace: ``` $ time chrt -b 0 dspace curate -t countrycodetagger -i all -r - -l 500 -s object | tee /tmp/2020-09-02-countrycodetagger.log ... real 2m10.516s user 1m43.953s sys 0m15.192s $ grep -c added /tmp/2020-09-02-countrycodetagger.log 39 ``` - I still need to create a cron job for this... - Sisay and Abenet said they can't log in with LDAP on DSpace Test (DSpace 6) - I tried and I can't either... but it is working on CGSpace - The error on DSpace 6 is: ``` 2020-09-02 12:03:10,666 INFO org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPAuthentication @ anonymous:session_id=A629116488DCC467E1EA2062A2E2EFD7:ip_addr= DN found for user aorth ``` - I tried to query LDAP directly using the application credentials with ldapsearch and it works: ``` $ ldapsearch -x -H ldaps://AZCGNEROOT2.CGIARAD.ORG:636/ -b "dc=cgiarad,dc=org" -D "applicationaccount@cgiarad.org" -W "(sAMAccountName=me)" ``` - According to the [DSpace 6 docs](https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSDOC6x/Authentication+Plugins#AuthenticationPlugins-LDAPAuthentication) we need to escape commas in our LDAP parameters due to the new configuration system - I added the commas and restarted DSpace (though technically we shouldn't need to restart due to the new config system hot reloading configs) - Run all system updates on DSpace Test (linode26) and reboot it - After the restart LDAP login works... ## 2020-09-03 - Fix some erroneous "review status" fields that Abenet noticed on AReS - I used my `fix-metadata-values.py` and `delete-metadata-values.py` scripts with the following input files: ``` $ cat 2020-09-03-fix-review-status.csv dc.description.version,correct Externally Peer Reviewed,Peer Review Peer Reviewed,Peer Review Peer review,Peer Review Peer reviewed,Peer Review Peer-Reviewed,Peer Review Peer-reviewed,Peer Review peer Review,Peer Review $ cat 2020-09-03-delete-review-status.csv dc.description.version Report Formally Published Poster Unrefereed reprint $ ./delete-metadata-values.py -i 2020-09-03-delete-review-status.csv -db dspace -u dspace -p 'fuuu' -f dc.description.version -m 68 $ ./fix-metadata-values.py -i 2020-09-03-fix-review-status.csv -db dspace -u dspace -p 'fuuu' -f dc.description.version -t 'correct' -m 68 ``` - Start reviewing 95 items for IITA (20201stbatch) - I used my [csv-metadata-quality](https://github.com/ilri/csv-metadata-quality) tool to check and fix some low-hanging fruit first - This fixed a few unnecessary Unicode, excessive whitespace, invalid multi-value separator, and duplicate metadata values - Then I looked at the data in OpenRefine and noticed some things: - All issue dates use year only, but some have months in the citation so they could be more specific - I normalized all the DOIs to use "https://doi.org" format - I fixed a few AGROVOC subjects with a simple GREL: `value.replace("GRAINS","GRAIN").replace("SOILS","SOIL").replace("CORN","MAIZE")` - But there are a few more that are invalid that she will have to look at - I uploaded the items to [DSpace Test](https://dspacetest.cgiar.org/handle/10568/108357) and it was apparently successful but I get these errors to the console: ``` Thu Sep 03 12:26:33 CEST 2020 | Query:containerItem:ea7a2648-180d-4fce-bdc5-c3aa2304fc58 Error while updating java.lang.NullPointerException at com.atmire.dspace.cua.CUASolrLoggerServiceImpl$5.visit(SourceFile:1131) at com.atmire.dspace.cua.CUASolrLoggerServiceImpl.visitEachStatisticShard(SourceFile:212) at com.atmire.dspace.cua.CUASolrLoggerServiceImpl.update(SourceFile:1104) at com.atmire.dspace.cua.CUASolrLoggerServiceImpl.update(SourceFile:1093) at org.dspace.statistics.StatisticsLoggingConsumer.consume(SourceFile:104) at org.dspace.event.BasicDispatcher.consume(BasicDispatcher.java:177) at org.dspace.event.BasicDispatcher.dispatch(BasicDispatcher.java:123) at org.dspace.core.Context.dispatchEvents(Context.java:455) at org.dspace.core.Context.commit(Context.java:424) at org.dspace.core.Context.complete(Context.java:380) at org.dspace.app.bulkedit.MetadataImport.main(MetadataImport.java:1399) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at org.dspace.app.launcher.ScriptLauncher.runOneCommand(ScriptLauncher.java:229) at org.dspace.app.launcher.ScriptLauncher.main(ScriptLauncher.java:81) ``` - There are more in the DSpace log so I will raise it with Atmire immediately ## 2020-09-04 - I was checking the recent IITA data for duplicates when I noticed that one in CIFOR's Archive and saw that CIFOR has updated a bunch of their website URLs, for example: - http://www.cifor.org/nc/online-library/browse/view-publication/publication/151.html → https://www.cifor.org/knowledge/publication/151 - https://www.cifor.org/library/4033 → https://www.cifor.org/knowledge/publication/4033 - https://www.cifor.org/pid/5087 → https://www.cifor.org/knowledge/publication/5087 - I will update our nearly 6,000 metadata values for CIFOR in the database accordingly: ``` dspace=# UPDATE metadatavalue SET text_value = regexp_replace(text_value, '^(http://)?www\.cifor\.org/(nc/)?online-library/browse/view-publication/publication/([[:digit:]]+)\.html$', 'https://www.cifor.org/knowledge/publication/\3') WHERE metadata_field_id=219 AND text_value ~ 'www\.cifor\.org/(nc/)?online-library/browse/view-publication/publication/[[:digit:]]+'; dspace=# UPDATE metadatavalue SET text_value = regexp_replace(text_value, '^https?://www\.cifor\.org/library/([[:digit:]]+)/?$', 'https://www.cifor.org/knowledge/publication/\1') WHERE metadata_field_id=219 AND text_value ~ 'https?://www\.cifor\.org/library/[[:digit:]]+/?'; dspace=# UPDATE metadatavalue SET text_value = regexp_replace(text_value, '^https?://www\.cifor\.org/pid/([[:digit:]]+)/?$', 'https://www.cifor.org/knowledge/publication/\1') WHERE metadata_field_id=219 AND text_value ~ 'https?://www\.cifor\.org/pid/[[:digit:]]+'; ``` - I did some cleanup on the author affiliations of the IITA data our 2019-04 list using reconcile-csv and OpenRefine: - `$ lein run ~/src/git/DSpace/2019-04-08-affiliations.csv name id` - I always forget how to copy the reconciled values in OpenRefine, but you need to make a new column and populate it using this GREL: `if(cell.recon.matched, cell.recon.match.name, value)` - I mapped one duplicated from the CIFOR Archives and re-uploaded the 94 IITA items to a new collection on [DSpace Test](https://dspacetest.cgiar.org/handle/10568/108453) ## 2020-09-08 - I noticed that the "share" link in AReS wasn't working properly because it excludes the "explorer" part of the URI ![AReS share link broken](/cgspace-notes/2020/09/ares-share-link.png) - I filed an issue on GitHub: https://github.com/ilri/OpenRXV/issues/41 - I uploaded the 94 IITA items that I had been working on last week to CGSpace - RTB emailed to ask why they are getting HTTP 503 errors during harvesting to the RTB WordPress website - From the screenshot I can see they are requesting URLs like this: ``` https://cgspace.cgiar.org/bitstream/handle/10568/82745/Characteristics-Silage.JPG ``` - So they end up getting rate limited due to the XMLUI rate limits - I told them to use the REST API bitstream retrieve links, because we don't have any rate limits there ## 2020-09-09 - Wire up the systemd service/timer for the CGSpace Country Code Tagger curation task in the [Ansible infrastructure scripts](https://github.com/ilri/rmg-ansible-public) - ~~For now it won't work on DSpace 6 because the curation task invocation needs to be slightly different (minus the `-l` parameter) and for some reason the task isn't working on DSpace Test (version 6) right now~~ - I added DSpace 6 support to the playbook templates... - Run system updates on DSpace Test (linode26), re-deploy the DSpace 6 test branch, and reboot the server - After rebooting I deleted old copies of the cgspace-java-helpers JAR in the DSpace lib directory and then the curation worked - To my great surprise the curation worked (and completed, albeit a few times slower) on my local DSpace 6 environment as well: ``` $ ~/dspace63/bin/dspace curate -t countrycodetagger -i all -s object ``` ## 2020-09-10 - I checked the country code tagger on CGSpace and DSpace Test and it ran fine from the systemd timer last night... w00t - I started looking at Peter's changes to the CGSpace regions that were proposed in 2020-07 - The changes will be: ``` $ cat 2020-09-10-fix-cgspace-regions.csv cg.coverage.region,correct EAST AFRICA,EASTERN AFRICA WEST AFRICA,WESTERN AFRICA SOUTHEAST ASIA,SOUTHEASTERN ASIA SOUTH ASIA,SOUTHERN ASIA AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA,SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA NORTH AFRICA,NORTHERN AFRICA WEST ASIA,WESTERN ASIA SOUTHWEST ASIA,SOUTHWESTERN ASIA $ ./fix-metadata-values.py -i 2020-09-10-fix-cgspace-regions.csv -db dspace -u dspace -p 'fuuu' -f cg.coverage.region -t 'correct' -m 227 -d -n Connected to database. Would fix 12227 occurences of: EAST AFRICA Would fix 7996 occurences of: WEST AFRICA Would fix 3515 occurences of: SOUTHEAST ASIA Would fix 3443 occurences of: SOUTH ASIA Would fix 1134 occurences of: AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA Would fix 357 occurences of: NORTH AFRICA Would fix 81 occurences of: WEST ASIA Would fix 3 occurences of: SOUTHWEST ASIA ``` - I think we need to wait for the web team, though, as they need to update their mappings - Not to mention that we'll need to give WLE and CCAFS time to update their harvesters as well... hmmm - Looking at the top user agents active on CGSpace in 2020-08 and I see: - `Delphi 2009`: 235353 (this is GARDIAN harvester I guess, as the IP is in Greece) - `Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)`: 57004 (IP is, and the requests seem to be for CTA's content) - `RTB website BOT`: 12282 - `ILRI Livestock Website Publications importer BOT`: 9393 - Shit, I meant to add Delphi to the DSpace spider agents list last month but I guess I didn't commit the change - HTTrack is in the agents list so I'm not sure why DSpace registers a hit from that request - Also, I am surprised to see the RTB and ILRI bots here because they have "BOT" in the name and that should also be dropped - I also see hits from `curl` and `Java/1.8.0_66` and `Apache-HttpClient` so WTF... those are supposed to be dropped by the default agents list - Some IP `2607:f298:5:101d:f816:3eff:fed9:a484` made 9,000 requests with the `RI/1.0` user agent this year... - That's on DreamHost...? - I purged 448658 hits from these agents and added `Delphi` to our local agents overload for Solr as well as Tomcat's Crawler Session Manager Valve so that it forces them to re-use a single session - I made a pull request on the COUNTER-Robots project for the Daum robot: https://github.com/atmire/COUNTER-Robots/pull/38 - This bot made 8,000 requests to CGSpace this year - I purged about 20,000 total requests from this bot from our Solr stats for the last few years ## 2020-09-11 - Peter noticed that an export from AReS shows some items with zero views and others with zero views/downloads, but on CGSpace and in the statistics API there are views/downloads - I need to ask Moayad... ## 2020-09-12 - Carlos Tejo from the LandPortal emailed to ask for advice about integrating their [LandVoc](https://landvoc.org/) vocabulary, which is a subset of AGROVOC, into DSpace - I told him that they could use the DSpace authority control framework and sent an example of the VIAFAuthority from the DSpace-CRIS project: https://github.com/4Science/DSpace/blob/dspace-6_x_x-cris/dspace-api/src/main/java/org/dspace/content/authority/VIAFAuthority.java - Redeploy the latest `5_x-prod` branch on CGSpace, re-run the latest Ansible DSpace playbook, run all system updates, and reboot the server (linode18) - This will bring the latest bot lists for Solr and Tomcat - I had to restart Tomcat 7 three times before all Solr statistics cores came up OK - Leroy and Carol from CIAT/Bioversity were asking for information about posting to the CGSpace REST API from Sharepoint - I told them that we don't allow this yet, but that we need to check in the future whether content can be posted to a workflow ## 2020-09-15 - Charlotte from Altmetric said they had issues parsing the XML file I sent them last month - I told them that it was mimicking the same format that they had sent me (fourteen pages of XML responses concatenated together)! - A few days ago IWMI asked us if we can add a new field on CGSpace for their library identifier - The IDs look like this: H049940 - I suggested that we use `cg.identifier.iwmilibrary` - I added it to the input forms and push it to the `5_x-prod` and 6.x branches and will re-deploy it in the next few days - Abenet asked me to import sixty-nine (69) CIP Annual Reports to CGSpace - I looked at the data in OpenRefine and it is very good quality - I only added descriptions to the filename field so that SAFBuilder will add them to the bitstreams on import: ``` value + "__description:" + cells["dc.type"].value ``` - Then I created a SAF bundle with SAFBuilder: ``` $ ./safbuilder.sh -c ~/Downloads/cip-annual-reports/cip-reports.csv ``` - And imported them into my local test instance of CGSpace: ``` $ ~/dspace/bin/dspace import -a -e y.arrr@cgiar.org -m /tmp/2020-09-15-cip-annual-reports.map -s ~/Downloads/cip-annual-reports/SimpleArchiveFormat ``` - Then I uploaded them to CGSpace ## 2020-09-16 - Looking further into Carlos Tejos's question about integrating LandVoc (the AGROVOC subset) into DSpace - I see that you can actually get LandVoc concepts directly from AGROVOC's SPARQL, for example with [this query](http://agrovoc.uniroma2.it/sparql#query=PREFIX+rdfs%3A+%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2F01%2Frdf-schema%23%3E%0APREFIX+skos%3A+%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2004%2F02%2Fskos%2Fcore%23%3E%0A%0ASELECT+%3Fconcept%0AWHERE+%7B%0A++%3Fconcept+a+skos%3AConcept+%3B%0A+++++++++++skos%3AinScheme+%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Flandvoc.org%2Flandvoc%3E+.%0A%0A%7D+ORDER+BY+%3Fconcept&contentTypeConstruct=text%2Fturtle&contentTypeSelect=application%2Fsparql-results%2Bjson&endpoint=http%3A%2F%2Fagrovoc.uniroma2.it%2Fsparql&requestMethod=POST&tabTitle=Query&headers=%7B%7D&outputFormat=table) ![AGROVOC LandVoc SPARQL](/cgspace-notes/2020/09/agrovoc-landvoc-sparql.png) - So maybe we can query AGROVOC directly using a similar method to [DSpace-CRIS's GettyAuthority](https://github.com/4Science/DSpace/blob/dspace-5_x_x-cris/dspace-api/src/main/java/org/dspace/content/authority/TGNAuthority.java) - I wired up DSpace-CRIS's VIAFAuthority to see how authorities for auto suggested names get stored - After submission you can see the item's VIAF identifier: ![VIAF authority](/cgspace-notes/2020/09/viaf-authority.png) - And this identifier is the ID on VIAF, pretty cool! ![VIAF entry for Charles Darwin](/cgspace-notes/2020/09/viaf-darwin.png) - I did a similar test with the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) and it stores the concept URI in the authority: ![TGNAuthority](/cgspace-notes/2020/09/tgn-concept-uri.png) - But the authority values are not exposed anywhere as metadata... - I need to play with it a bit more I guess... - The nice thing is that the Getty example from DSpace-CRIS uses SPARQL as well, and the TGN authority extends it - We could use a similar model for AGROVOC/LandVoc very easily ## 2020-09-17 - Maria from Bioveristy asked about the ORCID identifier for one of her colleagues that seems to have been removed from our list - I re-added it to our controlled vocabulary and added the identifier to fifty-one of his existing items on CGSpace using my script: ``` $ cat 2020-09-17-add-bioversity-orcids.csv dc.contributor.author,cg.creator.id "Etten, Jacob van","Jacob van Etten: 0000-0001-7554-2558" "van Etten, Jacob","Jacob van Etten: 0000-0001-7554-2558" $ ./add-orcid-identifiers-csv.py -i 2020-09-17-add-bioversity-orcids.csv -db dspace -u dspace -p 'dom@in34sniper' ``` - I sent a follow-up message to Atmire to look into the two remaining issues with the DSpace 6 upgrade - First is the fact that we have zero results in our Listings and Reports, for any search - Second is the error we get during CSV imports - Help Natalia and Cathy from Bioversity-CIAT with their OpenSearch query on "trade offs" again - They wanted to build a search query with multiple filters (type, crpsubject, status) and the general query "trade offs" - I found a great [reference for DSpace's OpenSearch syntax](https://www.kiwi.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=45782169) (albeit in Finnish, but the example URLs show the syntax clearly) - We can use quotes and `AND` and `OR` and even group search parameters with parenthesis! - So now I built a query for Natalia which uses these (showing without URL encoding so you can see the syntax): ``` https://cgspace.cgiar.org/open-search/discover?query=type:"Journal Article" AND status:"Open Access" AND crpsubject:"Water, Land and Ecosystems" AND "tradeoffs"&rpp=100 ``` - I noticed that my `move-collections.sh` script didn't work on DSpace 6 because of the change from IDs to UUIDs, so I modified it to quote the collection `resource_id` parameters in the PostgreSQL query ## 2020-09-18 - Help Natalia with her WLE "tradeoffs" search query again... ## 2020-09-20 - Deploy latest 5_x-prod branch on CGSpace, run all system updates, and reboot the server - To my great surprise, all the Solr statistics cores came up correctly after reboot - Deploy latest 6_x-dev branch on DSpace Test, run all system updates and reboot the server ## 2020-09-22 - Abenet sent some feedback about AReS - The item views and downloads are still incorrect - I looked in the server's API logs and there are no errors, and the database has many more views/downloads: ``` dspacestatistics=# SELECT SUM(views) FROM items; sum ---------- 15714024 (1 row) dspacestatistics=# SELECT SUM(downloads) FROM items; sum ---------- 13979911 (1 row) ``` - I deleted "Report" from twelve items that had it in their peer review field: ``` dspace=# BEGIN; BEGIN dspace=# DELETE FROM metadatavalue WHERE text_value='Report' AND resource_type_id=2 AND metadata_field_id=68; DELETE 12 dspace=# COMMIT; ``` - I added all CG center- and CRP-specific subject fields and mapped them to `dc.subject` in AReS - After forcing a re-harvesting now the review status is much cleaner and the missing subjects are available - Last week Natalia from CIAT had asked me to download all the PDFs for a certain query: - items with status "Open Access" - items with type "Journal Article" - items containing any of the following words: water land and ecosystems & trade offs - The resulting OpenSearch query is: https://cgspace.cgiar.org/open-search/discover?query=type:"Journal Article" AND status:"Open Access" AND Water Land Ecosystems trade offs&rpp=1 - There were 241 results with a total of 208 PDFs, which I downloaded with my `get-wle-pdfs.py` script and shared to her via bashupload.com ## 2020-09-23 - Peter said he was having problems submitting items to CGSpace - On a hunch I looked at the PostgreSQL locks in Munin and indeed the normal issue with locks is back (though I haven't seen it in a few months?) ![PostgreSQL connections day](/cgspace-notes/2020/09/postgres_connections_ALL-day.png) - Instead of restarting Tomcat I restarted the PostgreSQL service and then Peter said he was able to submit the item... - Experiment with doing direct queries for items in the [dspace-statistics-api](https://github.com/ilri/dspace-statistics-api) - I tested querying a handful of item UUIDs with a date range and returning their hits faceted by `id` - Assuming a list of item UUIDs was posted to the REST API we could prepare them for a Solr query by joining them into a string with "OR" and escaping the hyphens: ``` ... item_ids = ['0079470a-87a1-4373-beb1-b16e3f0c4d81', '007a9df1-0871-4612-8b28-5335982198cb'] item_ids_str = ' OR '.join(item_ids).replace('-', '\-') ... solr_query_params = { "q": f"id:({item_ids_str})", "fq": "type:2 AND isBot:false AND statistics_type:view AND time:[2020-01-01T00:00:00Z TO 2020-09-02T00:00:00Z]", "facet": "true", "facet.field": "id", "facet.mincount": 1, "facet.limit": 1, "facet.offset": 0, "stats": "true", "stats.field": "id", "stats.calcdistinct": "true", "shards": shards, "rows": 0, "wt": "json", } ``` - The date range format for Solr is important, but it seems we only need to add `T00:00:00Z` to the normal ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD strings ## 2020-09-25 - I did some more work on the dspace-statistics-api and finalized the support for sending a POST to `/items`: ``` $ curl -s -d @request.json https://dspacetest.cgiar.org/rest/statistics/items | json_pp { "currentPage" : 0, "limit" : 10, "statistics" : [ { "downloads" : 3329, "id" : "b2c1bbfd-65b0-438c-9e49-d271c49b2696", "views" : 1565 }, { "downloads" : 3797, "id" : "f44cf173-2344-4eb2-8f00-ee55df32c76f", "views" : 48 }, { "downloads" : 11064, "id" : "8542f9da-9ce1-4614-abf4-f2e3fdb4b305", "views" : 26 }, { "downloads" : 6782, "id" : "2324aa41-e9de-4a2b-bc36-16241464683e", "views" : 19 }, { "downloads" : 48, "id" : "0fe573e7-042a-4240-a4d9-753b61233908", "views" : 12 }, { "downloads" : 0, "id" : "000e61ca-695d-43e5-9ab8-1f3fd7a67a32", "views" : 4 }, { "downloads" : 0, "id" : "000dc7cd-9485-424b-8ecf-78002613cc87", "views" : 1 }, { "downloads" : 0, "id" : "000e1616-3901-4431-80b1-c6bc67312d8c", "views" : 1 }, { "downloads" : 0, "id" : "000ea897-5557-49c7-9f54-9fa192c0f83b", "views" : 1 }, { "downloads" : 0, "id" : "000ec427-97e5-4766-85a5-e8dd62199ab5", "views" : 1 } ], "totalPages" : 13 } ``` - I deployed it on DSpace Test and sent a note to Salem so he can test it - I still need to add tests... - After that I will probably tag it as version 1.3.0 ## 2020-09-25 - Atmire responded with some notes about the issues we're having with CUA and L&R on DSpace Test - They think they have found the reason the issues are happening...