+++ date = "2017-02-07T07:04:52-08:00" author = "Alan Orth" title = "February, 2017" tags = ["Notes"] +++ ## 2017-02-07 - An item was mapped twice erroneously again, so I had to remove one of the mappings manually: ``` dspace=# select * from collection2item where item_id = '80278'; id | collection_id | item_id -------+---------------+--------- 92551 | 313 | 80278 92550 | 313 | 80278 90774 | 1051 | 80278 (3 rows) dspace=# delete from collection2item where id = 92551 and item_id = 80278; DELETE 1 ``` - Create issue on GitHub to track the addition of CCAFS Phase II project tags ([#301](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/issues/301)) - Looks like we'll be using `cg.identifier.ccafsprojectpii` as the field name ## 2017-02-08 - We also need to rename some of the CCAFS Phase I flagships: - CLIMATE-SMART AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES → CLIMATE-SMART TECHNOLOGIES AND PRACTICES - CLIMATE RISK MANAGEMENT → CLIMATE SERVICES AND SAFETY NETS - LOW EMISSIONS AGRICULTURE → LOW EMISSIONS DEVELOPMENT - POLICIES AND INSTITUTIONS → PRIORITIES AND POLICIES FOR CSA - The climate risk management one doesn't exist, so I will have to ask Magdalena if they want me to add it to the input forms - Start testing some nearly 500 author corrections that CCAFS sent me: ``` $ ./fix-metadata-values.py -i /tmp/CCAFS-Authors-Feb-7.csv -f dc.contributor.author -t 'correct name' -m 3 -d dspace -u dspace -p fuuu ```