Add notes for 2024-05-27

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Alan Orth 2024-05-27 21:40:09 +03:00
parent 39d8d0876c
commit befe3a3a58
Signed by: alanorth
GPG Key ID: 0FB860CC9C45B1B9
39 changed files with 194 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -106,4 +106,86 @@ Continue working through alternative duplicate matching for IFPRI
- One thing I think I can say for sure is that the default similarity factor in my script is 0.6, and I rarely see legitimate duplicates with such similarity so I might increase this to 0.7 to reduce the number of items I have to check - One thing I think I can say for sure is that the default similarity factor in my script is 0.6, and I rarely see legitimate duplicates with such similarity so I might increase this to 0.7 to reduce the number of items I have to check
- Also, the difference in issue dates is currently 365, but I should reduce that a bit, perhaps to 270 days (9 months) - Also, the difference in issue dates is currently 365, but I should reduce that a bit, perhaps to 270 days (9 months)
## 2024-05-22
- Finalize and upload the IFPRI 20202021 batch set
- I used a new technique to get missing licenses via Crossref (it's Python 2 because of OpenRefine's Jython):
import urllib2
doi = cells['cg.identifier.doi[en_US]'].value
url = "" + doi
useragent = "Python ("
request = urllib2.Request(url.encode("utf-8"), headers={"User-Agent" : useragent})
get = urllib2.urlopen(request)
## 2024-05-23
- Finalize last of the duplicates I found for the IFPRI 20202021 batch set (those that we missed initially due to mismatched types)
- Export a new list of IFPRI redirects from CONTENTdm:
$ csvgrep -c 'dc.description.provenance[en_US]' -r 'Original URLs? from IFPRI CONTENTdm' cgspace.csv \
| csvcut -c 'id,dc.description.provenance[en_US],dc.identifier.uri[en_US]' \
| tee /tmp/ifpri-redirects.csv \
| csvstat --count
I found a way to get abstracts from PLOS
- They offer an API that returns XML including the JATS-formatted abstracts
- I created a new column in OpenRefine by fetching specially crafted URLs based on the DOIs using this GREL:
"" + cells['doi'].value + '&type=manuscript'
Then used `value.parseXml()` on the resulting text to extract the abstract's text:
This doesn't preserve `<p>` tags though...
- Oh, nice, this does!
forEach(value.parseHtml().select("abstract p"), i, i.htmlText()).join("\r\n\r\n")
For each paragraph inside an abstract, get the inner text and join them as one string separated by two newlines...
- Ah, some articles have multiple abstracts, for example:
- I need to select the abstract that does **not** have any attributes (using [Jsoup selector syntax](
forEach(value.parseXml().select("abstract:not([*]) p"), i, i.xmlText()).join("\r\n\r\n")
Testing `xsv` (Rust) versus `csvkit` (Python) to filter all items with DOIs from a DSpace dump with 118,000 items:
$ time xsv search -s doi 'doi\.org' /tmp/cgspace-minimal.csv | xsv select doi | xsv count
xsv search -s doi 'doi\.org' /tmp/cgspace-minimal.csv 0.06s user 0.03s system 98% cpu 0.091 total
xsv select doi 0.02s user 0.02s system 40% cpu 0.091 total
xsv count 0.01s user 0.00s system 9% cpu 0.090 total
$ time csvgrep -c doi -m '' /tmp/cgspace-minimal.csv | csvcut -c doi | csvstat --count
csvgrep -c doi -m '' /tmp/cgspace-minimal.csv 1.15s user 0.06s system 95% cpu 1.273 total
csvcut -c doi 0.42s user 0.05s system 36% cpu 1.283 total
csvstat --count 0.20s user 0.03s system 18% cpu 1.298 total
## 2024-05-27
- Working on IFPRI datasets batch migration
- 732 items total
- 6 duplicates on CGSpace
- 6 duplicates within set that need investigation
<!-- vim: set sw=2 ts=2: --> <!-- vim: set sw=2 ts=2: -->

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Then I did some work to add missing abstracts (about 900!), volumes, issues, lic
<meta property="og:type" content="article" /> <meta property="og:type" content="article" />
<meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta property="og:url" content="" />
<meta property="article:published_time" content="2024-05-01T10:39:00+03:00" /> <meta property="article:published_time" content="2024-05-01T10:39:00+03:00" />
<meta property="article:modified_time" content="2024-05-13T16:24:11+03:00" /> <meta property="article:modified_time" content="2024-05-20T17:34:14+03:00" />
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ Then I did some work to add missing abstracts (about 900!), volumes, issues, lic
"@type": "BlogPosting", "@type": "BlogPosting",
"headline": "May, 2024", "headline": "May, 2024",
"url": "", "url": "",
"wordCount": "652", "wordCount": "1023",
"datePublished": "2024-05-01T10:39:00+03:00", "datePublished": "2024-05-01T10:39:00+03:00",
"dateModified": "2024-05-13T16:24:11+03:00", "dateModified": "2024-05-20T17:34:14+03:00",
"author": { "author": {
"@type": "Person", "@type": "Person",
"name": "Alan Orth" "name": "Alan Orth"
@ -224,6 +224,74 @@ dspace=# \COPY (SELECT i.uuid, m.text_value AS submitted_by FROM item i JOIN met
<li>One thing I think I can say for sure is that the default similarity factor in my script is 0.6, and I rarely see legitimate duplicates with such similarity so I might increase this to 0.7 to reduce the number of items I have to check</li> <li>One thing I think I can say for sure is that the default similarity factor in my script is 0.6, and I rarely see legitimate duplicates with such similarity so I might increase this to 0.7 to reduce the number of items I have to check</li>
<li>Also, the difference in issue dates is currently 365, but I should reduce that a bit, perhaps to 270 days (9 months)</li> <li>Also, the difference in issue dates is currently 365, but I should reduce that a bit, perhaps to 270 days (9 months)</li>
</ul> </ul>
<h2 id="2024-05-22">2024-05-22</h2>
<li>Finalize and upload the IFPRI 20202021 batch set
<li>I used a new technique to get missing licenses via Crossref (it&rsquo;s Python 2 because of OpenRefine&rsquo;s Jython):</li>
<div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" style="color:#f8f8f2;background-color:#272822;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4;"><code class="language-python" data-lang="python"><span style="display:flex;"><span><span style="color:#f92672">import</span> urllib2
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>doi <span style="color:#f92672">=</span> cells[<span style="color:#e6db74">&#39;cg.identifier.doi[en_US]&#39;</span>]<span style="color:#f92672">.</span>value
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>url <span style="color:#f92672">=</span> <span style="color:#e6db74">&#34;;</span> <span style="color:#f92672">+</span> doi
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>useragent <span style="color:#f92672">=</span> <span style="color:#e6db74">&#34;Python (;</span>
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>request <span style="color:#f92672">=</span> urllib2<span style="color:#f92672">.</span>Request(url<span style="color:#f92672">.</span>encode(<span style="color:#e6db74">&#34;utf-8&#34;</span>), headers<span style="color:#f92672">=</span>{<span style="color:#e6db74">&#34;User-Agent&#34;</span> : useragent})
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>get <span style="color:#f92672">=</span> urllib2<span style="color:#f92672">.</span>urlopen(request)
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span><span style="color:#66d9ef">return</span> get<span style="color:#f92672">.</span>read()<span style="color:#f92672">.</span>decode(<span style="color:#e6db74">&#39;utf-8&#39;</span>)
</span></span></code></pre></div><h2 id="2024-05-23">2024-05-23</h2>
<li>Finalize last of the duplicates I found for the IFPRI 20202021 batch set (those that we missed initially due to mismatched types)</li>
<li>Export a new list of IFPRI redirects from CONTENTdm:</li>
<div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" style="color:#f8f8f2;background-color:#272822;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4;"><code class="language-console" data-lang="console"><span style="display:flex;"><span>$ csvgrep -c <span style="color:#e6db74">&#39;dc.description.provenance[en_US]&#39;</span> -r <span style="color:#e6db74">&#39;Original URLs? from IFPRI CONTENTdm&#39;</span> cgspace.csv <span style="color:#ae81ff">\
</span></span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span><span style="color:#ae81ff"></span> | csvcut -c &#39;id,dc.description.provenance[en_US],dc.identifier.uri[en_US]&#39; \
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span> | tee /tmp/ifpri-redirects.csv \
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span> | csvstat --count
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>4004
</span></span></code></pre></div><p>I found a way to get abstracts from PLOS</p>
<li>They offer an API that returns XML including the JATS-formatted abstracts</li>
<li>I created a new column in OpenRefine by fetching specially crafted URLs based on the DOIs using this GREL:</li>
<div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" style="color:#f8f8f2;background-color:#272822;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4;"><code class="language-console" data-lang="console"><span style="display:flex;"><span>&#34;; + cells[&#39;doi&#39;].value + &#39;&amp;type=manuscript&#39;
</span></span></code></pre></div><p>Then used <code>value.parseXml()</code> on the resulting text to extract the abstract&rsquo;s text:</p>
<div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" style="color:#f8f8f2;background-color:#272822;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4;"><code class="language-console" data-lang="console"><span style="display:flex;"><span>value.parseXml().select(&#34;abstract&#34;)[0].xmlText()
</span></span></code></pre></div><p>This doesn&rsquo;t preserve <code>&lt;p&gt;</code> tags though&hellip;</p>
<li>Oh, nice, this does!</li>
<div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" style="color:#f8f8f2;background-color:#272822;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4;"><code class="language-console" data-lang="console"><span style="display:flex;"><span>forEach(value.parseHtml().select(&#34;abstract p&#34;), i, i.htmlText()).join(&#34;\r\n\r\n&#34;)
</span></span></code></pre></div><p>For each paragraph inside an abstract, get the inner text and join them as one string separated by two newlines&hellip;</p>
<li>Ah, some articles have multiple abstracts, for example: <a href=";type=manuscript">;type=manuscript</a></li>
<li>I need to select the abstract that does <strong>not</strong> have any attributes (using <a href="">Jsoup selector syntax</a>)</li>
<div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" style="color:#f8f8f2;background-color:#272822;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4;"><code class="language-console" data-lang="console"><span style="display:flex;"><span>forEach(value.parseXml().select(&#34;abstract:not([*]) p&#34;), i, i.xmlText()).join(&#34;\r\n\r\n&#34;)
</span></span></code></pre></div><p>Testing <code>xsv</code> (Rust) versus <code>csvkit</code> (Python) to filter all items with DOIs from a DSpace dump with 118,000 items:</p>
<div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" style="color:#f8f8f2;background-color:#272822;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4;"><code class="language-console" data-lang="console"><span style="display:flex;"><span>$ time xsv search -s doi <span style="color:#e6db74">&#39;doi\.org&#39;</span> /tmp/cgspace-minimal.csv | xsv <span style="color:#66d9ef">select</span> doi | xsv count
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>27339
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>xsv search -s doi &#39;doi\.org&#39; /tmp/cgspace-minimal.csv 0.06s user 0.03s system 98% cpu 0.091 total
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>xsv select doi 0.02s user 0.02s system 40% cpu 0.091 total
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>xsv count 0.01s user 0.00s system 9% cpu 0.090 total
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>$ time csvgrep -c doi -m <span style="color:#e6db74">&#39;;</span> /tmp/cgspace-minimal.csv | csvcut -c doi | csvstat --count
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>27339
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>csvgrep -c doi -m &#39;; /tmp/cgspace-minimal.csv 1.15s user 0.06s system 95% cpu 1.273 total
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>csvcut -c doi 0.42s user 0.05s system 36% cpu 1.283 total
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>csvstat --count 0.20s user 0.03s system 18% cpu 1.298 total
</span></span></code></pre></div><h2 id="2024-05-27">2024-05-27</h2>
<li>Working on IFPRI datasets batch migration
<li>732 items total</li>
<li>6 duplicates on CGSpace</li>
<li>6 duplicates within set that need investigation</li>
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