diff --git a/content/post/2015-11.md b/content/post/2015-11.md index 2291a4c7a..aa769fa01 100644 --- a/content/post/2015-11.md +++ b/content/post/2015-11.md @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ $ psql -c 'SELECT * from pg_stat_activity;' | grep idle | grep -c cgspace 78 ``` + + - For now I have increased the limit from 60 to 90, run updates, and rebooted the server ## 2015-11-24 diff --git a/content/post/2015-12.md b/content/post/2015-12.md index 8770bcac6..fabe6539e 100644 --- a/content/post/2015-12.md +++ b/content/post/2015-12.md @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ tags = ["notes"] -rw-rw-r-- 1 tomcat7 tomcat7 169K Nov 18 23:59 dspace.log.2015-11-18.xz ``` + + - I had used lrzip once, but it needs more memory and is harder to use as it requires the lrztar wrapper - Need to remember to go check if everything is ok in a few days and then change CGSpace - CGSpace went down again (due to PostgreSQL idle connections of course) diff --git a/content/post/2016-01.md b/content/post/2016-01.md index 709fedca9..6a6c1ebe1 100644 --- a/content/post/2016-01.md +++ b/content/post/2016-01.md @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ tags = ["notes"] - I realized it is only necessary to clear the Cocoon cache after moving collections—rather than reindexing—as no metadata has changed, and therefore no search or browse indexes need to be updated. - Update GitHub wiki for documentation of [maintenance tasks](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/wiki/Maintenance-Tasks). + + ## 2016-01-14 - Update CCAFS project identifiers in input-forms.xml diff --git a/content/post/2016-02.md b/content/post/2016-02.md index e615ad928..e0bc34035 100644 --- a/content/post/2016-02.md +++ b/content/post/2016-02.md @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ tags = ["notes"] - Not only are there 49,000 countries, we have some blanks (25)... - Also, lots of things like "COTE D`LVOIRE" and "COTE D IVOIRE" + + ## 2016-02-06 - Found a way to get items with null/empty metadata values from SQL diff --git a/content/post/2016-03.md b/content/post/2016-03.md index 1a0981fe7..d2a372814 100644 --- a/content/post/2016-03.md +++ b/content/post/2016-03.md @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ tags = ["notes"] - For some reason we still have the `index-lucene-update` cron job active on CGSpace, but I'm pretty sure we don't need it as of the latest few versions of Atmire's Listings and Reports module - Reinstall my local (Mac OS X) DSpace stack with Tomcat 7, PostgreSQL 9.3, and Java JDK 1.7 to match environment on CGSpace server + + ## 2016-03-07 - Troubleshooting the issues with the slew of commits for Atmire modules in [#182](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/182) diff --git a/content/post/2016-04.md b/content/post/2016-04.md index 035f7ecb6..41167524a 100644 --- a/content/post/2016-04.md +++ b/content/post/2016-04.md @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ tags = ["notes"] - This will save us a few gigs of backup space we're paying for on S3 - Also, I noticed the `checker` log has some errors we should pay attention to: + + ``` Run start time: 03/06/2016 04:00:22 Error retrieving bitstream ID 71274 from asset store. diff --git a/content/post/2016-05.md b/content/post/2016-05.md index 9934e539b..79b1dcfa7 100644 --- a/content/post/2016-05.md +++ b/content/post/2016-05.md @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ tags = ["notes"] 3168 ``` + + - The two most often requesters are in Ethiopia and Colombia: and - 100% of the requests coming from Ethiopia are like this and result in an HTTP 500: diff --git a/content/post/2016-06.md b/content/post/2016-06.md index d69254aee..629d9f545 100644 --- a/content/post/2016-06.md +++ b/content/post/2016-06.md @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ tags = ["notes"] - You can see the others by using the OAI `ListSets` verb: http://ebrary.ifpri.org/oai/oai.php?verb=ListSets - Working on second phase of metadata migration, looks like this will work for moving CPWF-specific data in `dc.identifier.fund` to `cg.identifier.cpwfproject` and then the rest to `dc.description.sponsorship` + + ``` dspacetest=# update metadatavalue set metadata_field_id=130 where metadata_field_id=75 and (text_value like 'PN%' or text_value like 'PHASE%' or text_value = 'CBA' or text_value = 'IA'); UPDATE 497 diff --git a/content/post/2016-07.md b/content/post/2016-07.md index feb2ede6f..8d9347d0e 100644 --- a/content/post/2016-07.md +++ b/content/post/2016-07.md @@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ dspacetest=# select text_value from metadatavalue where metadata_field_id=3 and - In this case the select query was showing 95 results before the update + + ## 2016-07-02 - Comment on DSpace Jira ticket about author lookup search text ([DS-2329](https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-2329)) diff --git a/content/post/2016-08.md b/content/post/2016-08.md index 02a4d4921..e8a3fa853 100644 --- a/content/post/2016-08.md +++ b/content/post/2016-08.md @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ $ git checkout -b 55new 5_x-prod $ git reset --hard ilri/5_x-prod $ git rebase -i dspace-5.5 ``` + + - Lots of conflicts that don't make sense (ie, shouldn't conflict!) - This file in particular conflicts almost 10 times: `dspace/modules/xmlui-mirage2/src/main/webapp/themes/CGIAR/styles/_style.scss` - Checking out a clean branch at 5.5 and cherry-picking our commits works where that file would normally have a conflict diff --git a/content/post/2016-09.md b/content/post/2016-09.md index 2a350822e..9cb9b4376 100644 --- a/content/post/2016-09.md +++ b/content/post/2016-09.md @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ tags = ["notes"] $ ldapsearch -x -H ldaps://svcgroot2.cgiarad.org:3269/ -b "dc=cgiarad,dc=org" -D "admigration1@cgiarad.org" -W "(sAMAccountName=admigration1)" ``` + + - User who has been migrated to the root vs user still in the hierarchical structure: ```