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2016-07-01 15:00:04 +02:00
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<h1 class="text-primary">July, 2016</h1>
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<time datetime="2016-07-01T10:53:00&#43;03:00">
Jul 1, 2016
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<span class="post-tag small"><a href="/cgspace-notes//tags/notes">#notes</a></span>
<h2 id="2016-07-01:edc14796891c14dec087b4bb89c38aa9">2016-07-01</h2>
<li>Add <code>dc.description.sponsorship</code> to Discovery sidebar facets and make investors clickable in item view (<a href="">#232</a>)</li>
2016-07-02 16:04:52 +02:00
<li>I think this query should find and replace all authors that have &ldquo;,&rdquo; at the end of their names:</li>
2016-07-01 15:00:04 +02:00
2016-07-01 15:56:54 +02:00
<pre><code>dspacetest=# update metadatavalue set text_value = regexp_replace(text_value, '(^.+?),$', '\1') where metadata_field_id=3 and text_value ~ '^.+?,$';
dspacetest=# select text_value from metadatavalue where metadata_field_id=3 and text_value ~ '^.+?,$';
(0 rows)
2016-07-02 16:04:52 +02:00
<li>In this case the select query was showing 95 results before the update</li>
<h2 id="2016-07-02:edc14796891c14dec087b4bb89c38aa9">2016-07-02</h2>
<li>Comment on DSpace Jira ticket about author lookup search text (<a href="">DS-2329</a>)</li>
2016-07-05 18:07:25 +02:00
<h2 id="2016-07-04:edc14796891c14dec087b4bb89c38aa9">2016-07-04</h2>
<li>Seems the database&rsquo;s author authority values mean nothing without the <code>authority</code> Solr core from the host where they were created!</li>
<h2 id="2016-07-05:edc14796891c14dec087b4bb89c38aa9">2016-07-05</h2>
<li>Amend <code></code> script so it backs up the entire Solr folder</li>
<li>We <em>really</em> only need <code>statistics</code> and <code>authority</code> but meh</li>
<li>Fix metadata for species on DSpace Test:</li>
<pre><code>$ ./ -i /tmp/Species-Peter-Fix.csv -f dc.Species -t CORRECT -m 94 -d dspacetest -u dspacetest -p 'fuuu'
<li>Will run later on CGSpace</li>
<li>A user is still having problems with Sherpa/Romeo causing crashes during the submission process when the journal is &ldquo;ungraded&rdquo;</li>
<li>I tested the <a href="">patch for DS-2740</a> that I had found last month and it seems to work</li>
<li>I will merge it to <code>5_x-prod</code></li>
2016-07-06 17:49:52 +02:00
<h2 id="2016-07-06:edc14796891c14dec087b4bb89c38aa9">2016-07-06</h2>
<li>Delete 23 blank metadata values from CGSpace:</li>
<pre><code>cgspace=# delete from metadatavalue where resource_type_id=2 and text_value='';
<li>Complete phase three of metadata migration, for the following fields:
<li>dc.title.jtitle → dc.source</li>
<li>dc.crsubject.crpsubject → cg.contributor.crp</li>
<li>dc.contributor.affiliation → cg.contributor.affiliation</li>
<li>dc.Species → cg.species</li>
<li>dc.srplace.subregion → cg.coverage.subregion</li>
<li>dc.contributor.corporate →</li>
<li>dc.identifier.url → cg.identifier.url</li>
<li>dc.identifier.doi → cg.identifier.doi</li>
<li>dc.identifier.googleurl → cg.identifier.googleurl</li>
<li>dc.identifier.dataurl → cg.identifier.dataurl</li>
<li>Also, run fixes and deletes for species and author affiliations (over 1000 corrections!)</li>
<pre><code>$ ./ -i Species-Peter-Fix.csv -f dc.Species -t CORRECT -m 212 -d dspace -u dspace -p 'fuuu'
2016-07-07 08:21:12 +02:00
$ ./ -i Affiliations-Fix-1045-Peter-Abenet.csv -f dc.contributor.affiliation -t Correct -m 211 -d dspace -u dspace -p 'fuuu'
$ ./ -f dc.contributor.affiliation -i Affiliations-Delete-Peter-Abenet.csv -m 211 -u dspace -d dspace -p 'fuuu'
2016-07-06 17:49:52 +02:00
<li>I then ran all server updates and rebooted the server</li>
2016-07-02 16:04:52 +02:00
2016-07-11 22:10:00 +02:00
<h2 id="2016-07-11:edc14796891c14dec087b4bb89c38aa9">2016-07-11</h2>
<li>Doing some author cleanups from Peter and Abenet:</li>
<pre><code>$ ./ -i /tmp/Authors-Fix-205-UTF8.csv -f -t correct -m 3 -d dspacetest -u dspacetest -p fuuu
$ ./ -f -i /tmp/Authors-Delete-UTF8.csv -m 3 -u dspacetest -d dspacetest -p fuuu
2016-07-13 15:05:33 +02:00
<h2 id="2016-07-13:edc14796891c14dec087b4bb89c38aa9">2016-07-13</h2>
<li>Run the author cleanups on CGSpace and start a full Discovery re-index</li>
2016-07-01 15:00:04 +02:00
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<h1 class="author-name text-primary">Alan Orth</h1>
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