<li>Replace <code>lzop</code> with <code>xz</code> in log compression cron jobs on DSpace Test—it uses less space:</li>
<pre><code># cd /home/dspacetest.cgiar.org/log
# ls -lh dspace.log.2015-11-18*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tomcat7 tomcat7 2.0M Nov 18 23:59 dspace.log.2015-11-18
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tomcat7 tomcat7 387K Nov 18 23:59 dspace.log.2015-11-18.lzo
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tomcat7 tomcat7 169K Nov 18 23:59 dspace.log.2015-11-18.xz
<li>I had used lrzip once, but it needs more memory and is harder to use as it requires the lrztar wrapper</li>
<li>Need to remember to go check if everything is ok in a few days and then change CGSpace</li>
<li>CGSpace went down again (due to PostgreSQL idle connections of course)</li>
<li>Current database settings for DSpace are <code>db.maxconnections = 30</code> and <code>db.maxidle = 8</code>, yet idle connections are exceeding this:</li>
<li>I restarted PostgreSQL and Tomcat and it&rsquo;s back</li>
<li>On a related note of why CGSpace is so slow, I decided to finally try the <code>pgtune</code> script to tune the postgres settings:</li>
<li>Last week it was an average of 8 seconds&hellip; now this is <sup>1</sup>&frasl;<sub>4</sub> of that</li>
<li>CCAFS noticed that one of their items displays only the Atmire statlets: <a href="https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/42445">https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/42445</a></li>
<li>Atmire commented that we should raise the JVM heap size by ~500M, so it is now <code>-Xms3584m -Xmx3584m</code></li>
<li>We weren&rsquo;t out of heap yet, but it&rsquo;s probably fair enough that the DSpace 5 upgrade (and new Atmire modules) requires more memory so it&rsquo;s ok</li>
<li>I have reverted all the pgtune tweaks from the other day, as they didn&rsquo;t fix the stability issues, so I&rsquo;d rather not have them introducing more variables into the equation</li>
<li>The PostgreSQL stats from Munin all point to something database-related with the DSpace 5 upgrade around mid–late November</li>
<li>Getting emails from uptimeRobot and uptimeButler that it&rsquo;s down, and Google Webmaster Tools is sending emails that there is an increase in crawl errors</li>
<li>Looks like there are still a bunch of idle PostgreSQL connections:</li>
<li>Troubleshoot the DSpace 5 OAI breakage caused by nginx routing config</li>
<li>The OAI application requests stylesheets and javascript files with the path <code>/oai/static/css</code>, which gets matched here:</li>
<pre><code># static assets we can load from the file system directly with nginx
<li>The document root is relative to the xmlui app, so this gets a 404—I&rsquo;m not sure why it doesn&rsquo;t pass to <code>@tomcat</code></li>
<li>Anyways, I can&rsquo;t find any URIs with path <code>/static</code>, and the more important point is to handle all the static theme assets, so we can just remove <code>static</code> from the regex for now (who cares if we can&rsquo;t use nginx to send Etags for OAI CSS!)</li>
<li>Also, I noticed we aren&rsquo;t setting CSP headers on the static assets, because in nginx headers are inherited in child blocks, but if you use <code>add_header</code> in a child block it doesn&rsquo;t inherit the others</li>
<li>We simply need to add <code>include extra-security.conf;</code> to the above location block (but research and test first)</li>
<li>We should add WOFF assets to the list of things to set expires for:</li>
<li>We should also add <code>aspects/Statistics</code> to the location block for static assets (minus <code>static</code> from above):</li>
<li>Need to check <code>/about</code> on CGSpace, as it&rsquo;s blank on my local test server and we might need to add something there</li>
<li>CGSpace has been up and down all day due to PostgreSQL idle connections (current DSpace pool is 90):</li>
<li>I looked closer at the idle connections and saw that many have been idle for hours (current time on server is <code>2015-11-25T20:20:42+0000</code>):</li>
<pre><code>$ psql -c 'SELECT * from pg_stat_activity;' | less -S
<li>There is a relevant Jira issue about this: <a href="https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-1458">https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-1458</a></li>
<li>It seems there is some sense changing DSpace&rsquo;s default <code>db.maxidle</code> from unlimited (-1) to something like 8 (Tomcat default) or 10 (Confluence default)</li>
<li>Change <code>db.maxidle</code> from -1 to 10, reduce <code>db.maxconnections</code> from 90 to 50, and restart postgres and tomcat7</li>
<li>Also redeploy DSpace Test with a clean sync of CGSpace and mirror these database settings there as well</li>
<li>Also deploy the nginx fixes for the <code>try_files</code> location block as well as the expires block</li>
<li>CGSpace behaving much better since changing <code>db.maxidle</code> yesterday, but still two up/down notices from monitoring this morning (better than 50!)</li>
<li>CCAFS colleagues mentioned that the REST API is very slow, 24 seconds for one item</li>
<li>Not as bad for me, but still unsustainable if you have to get many:</li>
<li>Perhaps I need to start drastically increasing the connection limits—like to 300—to see if DSpace&rsquo;s thirst can ever be quenched</li>
<li>On another note, SUNScholar&rsquo;s notes suggest adjusting some other postgres variables: <a href="http://wiki.lib.sun.ac.za/index.php/SUNScholar/Optimisations/Database">http://wiki.lib.sun.ac.za/index.php/SUNScholar/Optimisations/Database</a></li>
<li>This might help with REST API speed (which I mentioned above and still need to do real tests)</li>