<li>Found a way to get items with null/empty metadata values from SQL</li>
<li>First, find the <code>metadata_field_id</code> for the field you want from the <code>metadatafieldregistry</code> table:</li>
<pre><code>dspacetest=# select * from metadatafieldregistry;
<li>In this case our country field is 78</li>
<li>Now find all resources with type 2 (item) that have null/empty values for that field:</li>
<pre><code>dspacetest=# select resource_id from metadatavalue where resource_type_id=2 and metadata_field_id=78 and (text_value='' OR text_value IS NULL);
<li>Then you can find the handle that owns it from its <code>resource_id</code>:</li>
<pre><code>dspacetest=# select handle from item, handle where handle.resource_id = item.item_id AND item.item_id = '22678';
<li>It’s 25 items so editing in the web UI is annoying, let’s try SQL!</li>
<pre><code>dspacetest=# delete from metadatavalue where metadata_field_id=78 and text_value='';
<li>After that perhaps a regular <code>dspace index-discovery</code> (no -b) <em>should</em> suffice…</li>
<li>Hmm, I indexed, cleared the Cocoon cache, and restarted Tomcat but the 25 “|||” countries are still there</li>
<li>Maybe I need to do a full re-index…</li>
<li>Working on cleaning up Abenet’s DAGRIS data with OpenRefine</li>
<li>I discovered two really nice functions in OpenRefine: <code>value.trim()</code> and <code>value.escape("javascript")</code> which shows whitespace characters like <code>\r\n</code>!</li>
<li>For some reason when you import an Excel file into OpenRefine it exports dates like 1949 to 1949.0 in the CSV</li>
<li>I re-import the resulting CSV and run a GREL on the date issued column: <code>value.replace("\.0", "")</code></li>
<li>I need to start running DSpace in Mac OS X instead of a Linux VM</li>
<li>Add CATALINA_OPTS in <code>/opt/brew/Cellar/tomcat/8.0.30/libexec/bin/setenv.sh</code>, as this script is sourced by the <code>catalina</code> startup script</li>