<li>I see 167,000 hits from a bunch of Microsoft IPs with reverse DNS “msnbot-” using the Solr query <code>dns:*msnbot* AND dns:*.msn.com</code></li>
<li>I purged these first so I could see the other “real” IPs in the Solr facets</li>
<li>I see 47,500 hits from on a data center ISP in Sweden, using a normal user agent</li>
<li>I see 13,000 hits from on a data center ISP in Australia, using a normal user agent</li>
<li>I see 7,300 hits from from Britanica, using a normal user agent
<li>I see 3,000 hits from by a Russian-owned IP in the Netherlands that is making a GET to / every one minute, using a normal user agent</li>
<li>I see 3,000 hits from on Digital Ocean to the REST API with a normal user agent</li>
<li>I purged all these hits from IPs for a total of about 265,000</li>
<li>Then I faceted by user agent and found
<li>1,000 hits by <code>insomnia/2022.2.1</code>, which I also saw last month and submitted to COUNTER-Robots</li>
<li>265 hits by <code>omgili/0.5 +http://omgili.com</code></li>
<li>150 hits by <code>Vizzit</code></li>
<li>132 hits by <code>MetaInspector/5.7.0 (+https://github.com/jaimeiniesta/metainspector)</code></li>
<li>73 hits by <code>Scoop.it</code></li>
<li>62 hits by <code>bitdiscovery</code></li>
<li>59 hits by <code>Asana/1.4.0 WebsiteMetadataRetriever</code></li>
<li>32 hits by <code>Sprout Social (Link Attachment)</code></li>
<li>29 hits by <code>CyotekWebCopy/1.9 CyotekHTTP/6.2</code></li>
<li>20 hits by <code>Hootsuite-Authoring/1.0</code></li>
<li>I purged about 4,100 hits from these user agents</li>
<li>Create a user for Mohammed Salem to test MEL submission on DSpace Test:</li>
<divclass="highlight"><pretabindex="0"style="color:#f8f8f2;background-color:#272822;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4;"><codeclass="language-console"data-lang="console"><spanstyle="display:flex;"><span>$ dspace user -a -m mel-submit@cgiar.org -g MEL -s Submit -p <spanstyle="color:#e6db74">'owwwwwwww'</span>
<li>According to my notes from <ahref="/cgspace-notes/2020-10/">2020-10</a> the account must be in the admin group in order to submit via the REST API</li>
<li>Francesca asked us to add the CC-BY-3.0-IGO license to the submission form on CGSpace
<li>I remember I <ahref="https://github.com/spdx/license-list-XML/issues/767">had requested SPDX to add CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0-IGO</a> in 2019-02, and they finally <ahref="https://github.com/spdx/license-list-XML/pull/1068">merged it</a> in 2020-07, but I never added it to CGSpace</li>
<li>I will add the full suite of CC 3.0 IGO licenses to CGSpace and then make a request to SPDX for the others:
- CC-BY-3.0-IGO
- CC-BY-SA-3.0-IGO
- CC-BY-ND-3.0-IGO
- CC-BY-NC-3.0-IGO
- CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0-IGO</li>
<li>I filed <ahref="https://github.com/spdx/license-list-XML/issues/1525">an issue asking for SPDX to add CC-BY-3.0-IGO</a></li>
<li>Meeting with Moayad from CodeObia to discuss OpenRXV
<li>He added the ability to use multiple indexes / dashboards, and to be able to embed them in iframes</li>
<li>Add <code>cg.contributor.initiative</code> with a controlled vocabulary based on CLARISA’s list to the CGSpace submission form</li>