Alan Orth 57120308dc
Update with_items loops to use new-ish "loop" keyword
Ansible 2.4 and 2.5 are moving away from specialized loop functions
and the old syntax will eventually be deprecated and removed. I did
not change the with_fileglob loops because I'm not sure about their
syntax yet.

2018-04-02 15:52:51 +03:00

51 lines
1.0 KiB

- name: Configure apt mirror
template: src=sources.list.j2 dest=/etc/apt/sources.list owner=root group=root mode=0644
when: ansible_architecture != 'armv7l'
- name: Upgrade base OS
apt: upgrade=dist update_cache=yes
- name: Install base packages
apt: pkg={{ item }}
- git
- tmux
- iotop
- htop
- strace
- s3cmd
- cron-apt
- safe-rm
- debian-goodies
- mosh
- python-pycurl # for ansible's apt_repository
- sysv-rc-conf
- lzop
- vim
- lrzip
- unzip
- apt-transport-https # for https support in apt
- name: Security hardening (CIS Benchmark 1.0)
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=absent purge=yes
- whoopsie # CIS 4.1
- apport # CIS 4.1
- name: Remove annoying packages
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=absent purge=yes
- command-not-found
- command-not-found-data
- python3-commandnotfound
- name: Configure cron-apt
import_tasks: cron-apt.yml
tags: cron-apt
- name: Install tarsnap
import_tasks: tarsnap.yml
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