#!/usr/sbin/nft -f # # Initially based on: https://wiki.nftables.org/wiki-nftables/index.php/Simple_ruleset_for_a_server # flush ruleset # Lists updated daily by update-spamhaus-nftables.sh include "/etc/nftables/spamhaus-ipv4.nft" include "/etc/nftables/spamhaus-ipv6.nft" # Lists updated monthly (manually) include "/etc/nftables/abuseipdb-ipv4.nft" include "/etc/nftables/abuseipdb-ipv6.nft" # Lists updated daily by update-abusech-nftables.sh include "/etc/nftables/abusech-ipv4.nft" # Notes: # - tables hold chains, chains hold rules # - inet is for both ipv4 and ipv6 table inet filter { set spamhaus-ipv4 { type ipv4_addr # if the set contains prefixes we need to use the interval flag flags interval elements = $SPAMHAUS_IPV4 } set spamhaus-ipv6 { type ipv6_addr flags interval elements = $SPAMHAUS_IPV6 } set abusech-ipv4 { type ipv4_addr elements = $ABUSECH_IPV4 } set abuseipdb-ipv4 { type ipv4_addr elements = $ABUSEIPDB_IPV4 } set abuseipdb-ipv6 { type ipv6_addr elements = $ABUSEIPDB_IPV6 } chain input { type filter hook input priority 0; ct state {established, related} accept comment "Allow traffic from established and related packets" ct state invalid counter drop comment "Early drop of invalid connections" ip saddr @spamhaus-ipv4 counter drop comment "Early drop of incoming packets matching spamhaus-ipv4 list" ip6 saddr @spamhaus-ipv6 counter drop comment "Early drop of incoming packets matching spamhaus-ipv6 list" ip saddr @abusech-ipv4 counter drop comment "Early drop of packets matching abusech-ipv4 list" ip saddr @abuseipdb-ipv4 counter drop comment "Early drop of incoming packets matching abuseipdb-ipv4 list" ip6 saddr @abuseipdb-ipv6 counter drop comment "Early drop of incoming packets matching abuseipdb-ipv6 list" iifname lo accept comment "Allow from loopback" ip protocol icmp limit rate 4/second accept comment "Allow ICMP" ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp limit rate 4/second accept comment "Allow IPv6 ICMP" ip protocol igmp limit rate 4/second accept comment "Allow IGMP" {# SSH rules #} ip saddr ct state new tcp dport 22 counter accept comment "Allow SSH" ip6 saddr ::/0 ct state new tcp dport 22 counter accept comment "Allow SSH" {# Web rules #} {% if 'web' in group_names %} ip saddr ct state new tcp dport 80 counter accept comment "Allow HTTP" ip saddr ct state new tcp dport 443 counter accept comment "Allow HTTPS" ip6 saddr ::/0 ct state new tcp dport 80 counter accept comment "Allow HTTP" ip6 saddr ::/0 ct state new tcp dport 443 counter accept comment "Allow HTTPS" {% endif %} ip saddr ct state new udp dport 60001 counter accept comment "Allow mosh" ip saddr ct state new udp dport 60002 counter accept comment "Allow mosh" ip saddr ct state new udp dport 60003 counter accept comment "Allow mosh" ip6 saddr ::/0 ct state new udp dport 60001 counter accept comment "Allow mosh" ip6 saddr ::/0 ct state new udp dport 60002 counter accept comment "Allow mosh" ip6 saddr ::/0 ct state new udp dport 60003 counter accept comment "Allow mosh" {# Extra rules #} {% if extra_iptables_rules is defined %} {% for rule in extra_iptables_rules %} ip saddr {{ ghetto_ipsets[rule.acl].src }} ct state new {{ rule.protocol }} dport {{ rule.port }} counter accept {% if ghetto_ipsets[rule.acl].ipv6src is defined %} ip6 saddr {{ ghetto_ipsets[rule.acl].ipv6src }} ct state new {{ rule.protocol }} dport {{ rule.port }} counter accept {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} # everything else reject with icmpx type port-unreachable } chain forward { type filter hook forward priority 0; } chain output { type filter hook output priority 0; ip daddr @spamhaus-ipv4 counter drop comment "Drop outgoing packets matching spamhaus-ipv4 list" ip6 daddr @spamhaus-ipv6 counter drop comment "Drop outgoing packets matching spamhaus-ipv6 list" ip daddr @abusech-ipv4 counter drop comment "Drop outgoing packets matching abusech-ipv4 list" ip daddr @abuseipdb-ipv4 counter drop comment "Drop outgoing packets matching abuseipdb-ipv4 list" ip6 daddr @abuseipdb-ipv6 counter drop comment "Drop outgoing packets matching abuseipdb-ipv6 list" } }